- Day 1
Ningún lugar en la vida es más triste que una cama vacía.
No place in life is sadder than an empty bed.
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- Day 2
Las ideas no necesitan ni de las armas, en la medida en que sean capaces de conquistar a las grandes masas.
Ideas do not need weapons, if they can convince the great masses.
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- Day 3
Me siento tan patriota de Latinoamérica, de cualquier país de Latinoamérica, como el que más y, en el momento en que fuera necesario, estaría dispuesto a entregar mi vida por la liberación de cualquiera de los países de Latinoamérica, sin pedirle nada a nadie, sin exigir nada, sin explotar a nadie.
I feel such a patriotism for Latin America, for any country in Latin America, that in the moment it might be necessary, I would be ready to yield my life for the liberation of any Latin American nation, without asking anybody anything, without demanding anything, without exploiting anyone.
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- Day 4
O passado é lição para refletir, não para repetir.
The past is a study for reflection, not for repetition.
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- Day 5
...amor cuerdo, no es amor...
...prudent love, isn't love...
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- Day 6
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- Day 7
De lo heroico a lo ridículo no hay más que un paso.
There is only a step between the heroic and the ridiculous.
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- Day 8
América no es tanto una tradición que continuar como un futuro que realizar.
America isn't so much a tradition to continue as a future to realise
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- Day 9
Sólo un idiota puede ser totalmente feliz.
Only an idiot can be totally happy
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- Day 10
Pies, para qué los quiero
Si tengo alas para volar.
Feet, what do I need them for
If I have wings to fly.
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- Day 11
Cuando despertó, el dinosaurio todavía estaba allí.
When he awoke, the dinosaur was still there.
(This is the world's shortest story.)
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- Day 12
¡Defenderé el peso como un perro!
I will defend the peso like a dog!
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- Day 13
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- Day 14
As pessoas tentam encontrar um novo Pelé, mas isso não pode ser. Como na música, em que só existe um Frank Sinatra e um Beethoven, ou nas artes, com um único Michelangelo, no futebol só há um Pelé
People try to find a new Pelé, but this cannot be. Just as in music, where there only existed one Frank Sinatra and one Beethoven, or in the arts, only one Michelangelo, so in football there is only one Pelé.
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- Day 15
Ningún lugar en la vida es más triste que una cama vacía.
No place in life is sadder than an empty bed.
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- Day 16
¡Morir antes que esclavos vivir!
To die rather than to live as slaves!
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- Day 17
Somos una nación moderna y próspera, sin envidiar lo que nos rodea.
We are a modern and prosperous nation, without envy towards that which surrounds us.
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- Day 18
Havana is rotting, it's rusting, it often stinks and it's very much alive.
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- Day 19
La risa es el lenguaje del alma.
Laughter is the language of the soul.
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- Day 20
Concluo que o atual modelo brasileiro é contrário ao projeto de Deus.
I conclude that the modern Brazilian model is contrary to God's project.
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- Day 21
The Admiral says that he never beheld so fair a thing: trees all along the river, beautiful and green, and different from ours, with flowers and fruits each according to their kind, many birds and little birds which sing very sweetly.
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- Day 22
El cariño que te tengo
No te lo puedo negar
Se me sale la babita
Yo no lo puedo evitar
The love I have for you
I can't deny it
My mouth waters
I can't help it
From Chan Chan by Compay Segundo
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- Day 23
I have known many chess players, but only one chess genius, Capablanca
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- Day 24
A ciência deve ser universal, sem dúvida. Porém, nós não devemos acreditar incondicionalmente nisto.
Science should be universal, without a doubt. However, one should not believe unconditionally in this.
César Lattes
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- Day 25
De lo heroico a lo ridículo no hay más que un paso.
There is only a step between the heroic and the ridiculous.
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- Day 26
América no es tanto una tradición que continuar como un futuro que realizar.
America isn't so much a tradition to continue as a future to realise
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- Day 27
Somos una nación moderna y próspera, sin envidiar lo que nos rodea.
We are a modern and prosperous nation, without envy towards that which surrounds us.
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- Day 28
Living la vida loca
Living the crazy life
las personas viven mientras las recuerdas y si las olvidas en ese mismo instante mueren.,
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- Day 29
...amor cuerdo, no es amor...
...prudent love, isn't love...
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- Day 30
Pies, para qué los quiero
Si tengo alas para volar.
Feet, what do I need them for
If I have wings to fly.
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- Day 31
The Admiral says that he never beheld so fair a thing: trees all along the river, beautiful and green, and different from ours, with flowers and fruits each according to their kind, many birds and little birds which sing very sweetly.
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