Portal:England/Selected biography/01 2008

William Shakespeare (born April 1564 — 23 April 1616) was an English poet, writer and playwright. Shakespeare is widely regarded as being the greatest writer of the English language during his time. Shakespeare was known to be a performer in 38 plays and 154 sonets during his career.

Shakespeare was born and raised in Stratford-upon-Avon, southern England. Although not factually verifiable, historians believe Shakespeare to have been educated at King's New School Shakespeare had three children: Sussana, Hamlet and Judith together with his wife, Anne Hathaway. In 1592, records of his play and performances were recorded. After 1606, Shakespeare began to write fewer plays and, by 1913, none where attributed to his name

On 23 April 1616 — Shakespeare died, he was survived by his wife and two daughters as Hamnet had died ages 11. The terms of his will entitled his eldest daughter, Susanna to inherit a large amount of his estate, and for it to be passed down to "the first son of her body". Two days after his death, Shakespeare was buried in the chancel of the Holy Trinity Church, a monument was built prior to 1623 in his memory on the north wall of the chancel.