Portal:Bible/Featured chapter/Leviticus 10

Nadab and Abihu offer strange fire, which God has not commanded, and God sends fire to consume them. Moses calls Mishael and Elzaphan to carry the bodies outside the camp. God tells Aaron that he and his sons must not drink wine or other intoxicants when they enter the Tabernacle. Moses becomes angry with Eleazar and Ithamar because the offering was not eaten. Aaron answered Moses: "Had I eaten sin offering today, would the Lord have approved?" And when Moses hears this, he approves.

PEOPLE: Nadab - Abihu - יהוה YHVH - Moses - Aaron - Mishael - Elzaphan - Uzziel - Eleazar - Ithamar - Children of Israel

PLACES: Biblical Mount Sinai

RELATED ARTICLES: Shemini - 613 Mitzvot - Priestly Code - incense - Tabernacle - Holy anointing oil - Wine - Unclean - Korban - Holy of Holies - Goat - Atonement in Judaism - Blood

ENGLISH TEXT: American Standard - Douay–Rheims - Free - King James - Jewish Publication Society - Tyndale - World English - Wycliffe