M. californica may refer to:

  • Malacothrix californica, the California desertdandelion, a flowering plant species native to California and Baja California
  • Melica californica, the California melic, a grass species native to Oregon and California
  • Metzgeria californica, a sea snail species
  • Minuartia californica, the California sandwort, a flowering plant species native to Oregon and California
  • Muhlenbergia californica, the California muhly, an uncommon grass species endemic to southern California
  • Myliobatis californica, the bat ray, a fish species found in the eastern Pacific Ocean, between the Oregon coast and the Gulf of California
  • Myrica californica, the California bayberry, California wax myrtle or Pacific wax, an evergreen shrub or small tree species native to the Pacific Ocean coast from Vancouver Island south to California

See also
