Act no. |
Short title
1 |
Board of Trade and Industries Amendment Act, 1947
2 |
Additional Appropriation Act, 1947
3 |
Cape Supreme Court Constitution Amendment Act, 1947
4 |
Railways and Harbours Additional Appropriation Act, 1947
5 |
Part Appropriation Act, 1947
6 |
Dongola Wild Life Sanctuary Act, 1947
7 |
Stock Exchanges Control Act, 1947
8 |
Commissions Act, 1947
9 |
Railways and Harbours Appropriation Act, 1947
10 |
Second Additional Appropriation Act, 1947
11 |
Children's (Amendment) Act, 1947
12 |
Jury Lists Amendment Act, 1947
13 |
Railways and Harbours Unauthorized Expenditure Act, 1947
14 |
Unauthorized Expenditure (1945–1946) Act, 1947
15 |
Higher Education Amendment Act, 1947
16 |
Silicosis Amendment Act, 1947
17 |
War Pensions Laws Amendment Act, 1947
18 |
Unit Trusts Control Act, 1947
19 |
Patents, Designs and Trade Marks Amendment Act, 1947
20 |
Iron and Steel Industry Amendment Act, 1947
21 |
Precious Stones Amendment Act, 1947
22 |
Natal Mines Amendment Act, 1947
23 |
Klipdrift Settlement Act, 1947
24 |
Skanskop Settlement Act, 1947
25 |
Banking Amendment Act, 1947
26 |
Orchards and Cultivated Plants Cleansing Act, 1947
27 |
Excise Amendment Act, 1947
28 |
Government Service Pensions Amendment Act, 1947
29 |
Special Taxation Amendment Act, 1947
30 |
War Measures Repeal Act, 1947
31 |
Disability Grants Amendment Act, 1947
32 |
Railway Construction Act, 1947
33 |
Dental Mechanicians Amendment Act, 1947
34 |
Agricultural Produce Export Amendment Act, 1947
35 |
Wool Amendment Act, 1947
36 |
Fertilizers, Farm Feeds, Seeds and Remedies Act, 1947 (before 1962) Fertilizers, Farm Feeds and Remedies Act, 1947 (from 1962 to 1970) Fertilizers, Farm Feeds, Agricultural Remedies and Stock Remedies Act, 1947 (after 1970)
37 |
Vyfhoek Management Amendment Act, 1947
38 |
Customs Amendment Act, 1947
39 |
Defence Amendment Act, 1947
40 |
Welfare Organizations Act, 1947
41 |
Provincial Powers Extension Act, 1947
42 |
Aviation Amendment Act, 1947
43 |
Cable and Wireless Workers Transfer Act, 1947
44 |
Electricity Amendment Act, 1947
45 |
Native Laws Amendment Act, 1947 (before 1964) Bantu Laws Amendment Act, 1947 (from 1964 to 1978) Black Laws Amendment Act, 1947 (after 1978)
46 |
City of Durban Savings and Housing Department (Private) Act, 1947
47 |
Pensions (Supplementary) Act, 1947
48 |
Finance Act, 1947
49 |
Liquid Fuel and Oil Act, 1947
50 |
Reserved Minerals Development Amendment Act, 1947
51 |
Natural Resources Development Act, 1947
52 |
Income Tax Act, 1947
53 |
Rents Amendment Act, 1947
54 |
South African Tourist Corporation Act, 1947
55 |
Precious and Base Metals Amendment Act, 1947
56 |
Appropriation Act, 1947