List of Forza Italia leading members by political origin

This is a list of various exponents of Forza Italia (current and former deputies, senators, ministers, MEPs, regional presidents, leading regional-level politicians, mayors of big and medium-sized cities and important members of party's national organs), divided by political origin (that is to say, of what party they were members or supporters shortly before the 1992-93 crisis and realignment of the political system, and of the foundation of Forza Italia in 1994).

The list shows well the political heterogeneity of members of Forza Italia.

(factions: We Blue Reformers, Free Foundation and Young Italy)

(faction: Popular Liberalism)

(faction: Clubs of Reformist Initiative)

(micro-party: Liberal Reformers)

Ex-Demo-Proletarians and other extreme-leftists


Unknown previous allegiance
