Lefschetz zeta function

In mathematics, the Lefschetz zeta-function is a tool used in topological periodic and fixed point theory, and dynamical systems. Given a continuous map , the zeta-function is defined as the formal series

where is the Lefschetz number of the -th iterate of . This zeta-function is of note in topological periodic point theory because it is a single invariant containing information about all iterates of .



The identity map on   has Lefschetz zeta function


where   is the Euler characteristic of  , i.e., the Lefschetz number of the identity map.

For a less trivial example, let   be the unit circle, and let   be reflection in the x-axis, that is,  . Then   has Lefschetz number 2, while   is the identity map, which has Lefschetz number 0. Likewise, all odd iterates have Lefschetz number 2, while all even iterates have Lefschetz number 0. Therefore, the zeta function of   is




If f is a continuous map on a compact manifold X of dimension n (or more generally any compact polyhedron), the zeta function is given by the formula


Thus it is a rational function. The polynomials occurring in the numerator and denominator are essentially the characteristic polynomials of the map induced by f on the various homology spaces.



This generating function is essentially an algebraic form of the Artin–Mazur zeta function, which gives geometric information about the fixed and periodic points of f.

See also



  • Fel'shtyn, Alexander (2000), "Dynamical zeta functions, Nielsen theory and Reidemeister torsion", Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, 147 (699), arXiv:chao-dyn/9603017, MR 1697460