Ecoism is a new philosophy, developed by Hares Youssef. It proposes a holistic view of consciousness, mind, and reality, emphasizing their interconnectedness and mutual influence. The study suggests that our understanding of the world is shaped by the complex interplay between our consciousness and the reality it perceives, with the mind acting as both an observer and a participant in this process. This philosophy offers new ways to think about human cognition, perception, and our relationship with the world around us.



Ecoism suggests that individuals can view themselves and their relationship to the world from two perspectives: internally, as the subjective experience of being in the world, and externally, as an objective view of oneself as part of the larger ecosystem.

Consciousness is likened to an ecosystem interacting with external reality, and the mind residing within this system is related to cognitive functions or self-awareness. The external world is perceived as a complex ecosystem forming the environment for all living things.

Philosopher and philantropist Hares Youssef developed the term as a part of GAIIA Movement



Ecoism views ecology and economy as integral components of a unified whole. In this holistic perspective, something can only be truly ecological if it considers the environment, psychology, sociology, governments, individuals, and corporations. This philosophy promotes a new system based on transparency and value instead of privacy and price. Ecoism embodies humanitarian values and aims to maintain balance across ecosystems. According to the philosophy, we must abandon outdated approaches and embrace new ones—reforming the world must begin with reforming the economy. Whether communist governments prioritize the collective at the expense of the individual or capitalists prioritize individual interests to the detriment of the collective, the privileges of a particular economic model are usually only available to a small segment of the population, leading to significant differences in the standard of living, not just nationally, but also globally. According to the Ecoism study, instead of constantly trying to balance collectivism and individualism, we should reorient the economy so that all its segments function to benefit the common value of all humanity – the planet Earth.[1]

GAIIA Foundation

GAIIA Foundation


GAIIA is an environmental charity foundation that focuses on humanitarian and ecological challenges. The organization is founded on Ecoism values: environmental consciousness, transparency, and engagement.[2] GAIIA carries out various projects, including proposing to rename Earth as 'Gaiia,' advocating for the right to clean air in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and pioneering a transparent economic model. [3] The project’s first phase is the platform for philanthropists, ecological activists and charities to raise funds by creating targeted coins as NFTs.[4]

See also





  1. ^ "Gaiia Coin is crafting a new financial utopia". Square Mile.
  2. ^ "Inside the mind of Hares Youssef: A philanthropist's vision to build a new future". ArabianBusiness.
  3. ^ "Profitable charity: Syrian-born Ukrainian philanthropist Hares Youssef to launch new charitable social network Gaiia". TheUpcoming.
  4. ^ "Gaiia Coin is crafting a new financial utopia". Square Mile.