VOSS Turbo
File:VOSS Turbo Box Art1.png
Official box artwork.
Developer(s)Maverick Software LLC
Publisher(s)Maverick Software LLC
Director(s)Cameron Jackson
Producer(s)Maverick Software LLC
Designer(s)Cameron Jackson
Programmer(s)Cameron Jackson
  • Cameron Jackson
  • IPunk[1]
  • Ricardo Funk
  • Carl Powell[2]
  • Cloudroad Music
EngineUnity Engine
ReleaseEarly Access: 20 September 2022

VOSS Turbo is a rail shooter developed by Maverick Software LLC, and released in September of 2022. Gameplay perspective often changes depending on each individual stage's theme, ranging from third-person rear view, 2D side scrolling, and overhead perspectives.



In VOSS Turbo, you play the role of a nameless, faceless courier of Wally Monopolies Conglomerate, controlling a space cruiser traveling to new worlds and alternate dimensions. During each stage, the player has the option to choose branching paths which can unlock new stages to explore, resulting in a possible 30 stages to discover (on release). After each stage has been beaten, the enemies from the beaten stage will be transferred to other stages, increasing the difficulty of gameplay. A gameplay session, or known as a run, usually consists of 5 stages, but may include more if specific conditions have been met.

Points are earned by defeating enemies during a run, and are used to unlock new upgrades in the Looney Wally Kiosks. Scored points are also used to revive the player when all of their lives are lost. The cost of reviving increase after each continue.

Before a run, the player can visit the garage to customize their cruiser with unlocked components. These components are unlocked by collecting loot throughout the stages during a run, the run must be completed successfully to keep the loot for cruiser customization.

Loot is dropped by specific enemies upon destruction. Loot can be used during a run at a Looney Wally Kiosk to trade for better temporary cruiser components, and any un-used loot is stored after a completed run. Loot is used at the Garage prior to a run for creating new permanent equip able components for your cruiser, such as weapons, health, companions; and even new cruisers.



In a (hopefully) distant future, a dystopia awaits. All governments have merged into one world order, and all services and goods are handled by a sole corporation known as Wally Monopolies Conglomerate. Due to the overpopulation of Earth, the newly formed world government seeks to colonize Mars. Upon arrival, the Earthlings come across the native Martians, which are opposed to Earth's invasion. A war ensues, leaving Earth's forces decimated. Seeing an opportunity for wealth; the head of WMC, known as Wally, agrees to fund the World military if they become a subsidiary of Wally's monopoly. With the Earth Government in the red, and humanity on the brink of destruction, Earth's world order agrees, making Wally the sole owner of Earth. With Wally's wealth, Wally's military conquers Mars. Now with Martian technology, Wally seeks to take over the universe.

Years later, Wally has acquired a vast majority of the known universe, the thrill of conquering worlds has diminished. Now Wally wishes to create, rather than destroy. He seeks to focus his wealth on creating a world of his own. The player takes on the role of a WMC employee, or "Wally Cadet", in which they gather resources from other worlds and dimensions to help in Wally's new endeavor.[3][4]

