• Comment: tone is totally inappropriate for an encyclopaedia, "Udupachar expired " "cast a gloom throughout Hyderabad" "outstanding teacher" "the restless young Udupachar " " decided to plunge whole-heartedly into" "simple and unassuming congress worker ' There is hardly a single sentence that is usablehave you copied and pasted from another source? Theroadislong (talk) 15:54, 16 February 2023 (UTC)
  • Comment: An online check for copyright violation did not detect any, but it is possible that content was copied from "A Tribute to Udupachar Published in "Deccan Chronicle" (Vide Sept. 18, 1976)", cited as the only reference, and likely too obscure for the copyvio check to detect. David notMD (talk) 19:33, 4 February 2023 (UTC)
  • Comment: It's also probably a copyright violation MarcGarver (talk) 15:05, 1 February 2023 (UTC)

Udupachar Sangam


Born on June 10, 1923, in a tiny village in Sangam, in Bijapur district of Karnataka State in Kannada speaking Madhwa Brahmin family, Mr. Udupachar Sangam had his earlier education at Raichur. Having matriculated In the year 1941, he completed Intermediate in Gulbarga (Kalburagi) and joined the teaching staff of the Nrupatunga on Sept. 14, 1944 on a consolidated salary of Rs. 25/- per month.

Mr. S. Udupachar expired on the night of Sept. 7, 1976, had cast a gloom throughout Hyderabad. The collegues, friends etc, who had been so intimately associated wish many cultural and literary activities and having worked shoulder to shoulder for over two decades between 40s and 60s naturally feel more dejected. He was an outstanding teacher, giving new dimension to the stature of Nrupatunga.

After he joined the Nrupatunga, the then Hyderabad State was on the verge of launching great People's Struggle for "full responsible Government". The emergence of Swami Ramanande Tirtha's the Voice of people in the then princely state, the restless young Udupachar Sangam, like other young men then, could not possibly remain a silent spectator and he decided to plunge whole-heartedly into the movement launched by the Hyderabad State Congress.

Although Mr. S. Udupachar had nothing to fall back upon, he gave up his job for a greater cause and worked ceaselessly underground. As a simple and unassuming congress worker between 1947 and 1948, he worked with single-minded devotion.

After Hyderabad's accession to free India on Sept 17, 1948, in the wake of Police Action, Mr. Udupachar Sangam went back to his first love-the teaching profession in his favourite school, Nrupatunga With his adaptability and mode of teaching, he became instantly popular. He was equally at home with his pupil.

When Mr. D. G. Mahagaonkar, the then Headmaster left the School, Mr. Udupachar Sangam was appointed as the acting Headmaster on July 1, 1955.

Since then, there was no looking back for him. He had perfect rapport with the management. His dedication and love for the school was so intense and abiding that he cared little for himself and his welfare. During his tenure as the headmaster for more than twenty years, the Nrupatunga High School became one of the greatest Educational Centres in then Andhra Pradesh State. The percentages of passes each year were near 100 per cent and the majority of the distinguished students were invariably from Nrupatunga. The Governments of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh started taking keen interest in the development of Nrupatunga.

The founding-fathers of this great Nrapatunga High School, Viz the souls of the late Kusthur Narayanchari and the late B. G. Chimalgi must have heaved a sigh of relief in the heavens at the phenomenal progress made by Nrupatunga during the tenure of Mr. Udupachar.

Mr. Udupachar, under the able guidance of the successive Presidents of the Karnataka Sikshana Samithi, the late Mr. G Ramachar, the late Mr. Janardhan Rao Desai and the veteran Congress leader and the doyen of freedom fighters of the erstwhile Hyderabad State, Dr. G. S Melkote, M. P., had one ambition-to make Nrupatunga a full-fledged College.

The dreamer in Udupachar nearly succeeded when the Andhra Pradesh Government in the year 1969-70 upgraded the Nrupatunga High School into a Junior College by its munificence grant of Rs. 1,40,000 which was followed by similar magnanimous grants by the then Mysore Governments headed by Mr. B. D. Jatti and later by Mr. Veerendra Patil. In the same year Mr. Udupachar Sangam became the Principal of the Junior College.

The magnificent building of the Nrupatunga High School and the College, full-fledged laboratories should speak most of the spade work done by him in those years. Even the Junior College has not maintained its highest standard but has become one of the leading Colleges in Andhra Pradesh.

Mr. Udapachar Sangam had won many laurels as an outstanding teacher, including the President's National Award in the Year 1969. In recognition of his services, he was nominated as a member of the Nation Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) by the Government of Andhra Pradesh the same year.

The missionary zeal with which Mr. Udupachar worked for the development of Nrupatunga is something unique. He was a typical teacher moulded in typical environment. He was a great organiser and a great builder too. The Nrupatunga College stands out as his monument which should perpetuate his memory for many generations to come.



A Tribute to Udupachar Published in "Deccan Chronicle" (Vide Sept. 18, 1976)