Grungegaze is a genre of alternative rock that fuses grunge and shoegazing.

Grungegaze is a music genre that emerged as a fusion of grunge and shoegaze, combining elements of both styles to create a unique sonic experience. The genre gained recognition for its distinct sound, blending the raw and gritty characteristics of grunge with the dreamy, atmospheric qualities of shoegaze.



Grungegaze typically incorporates the distorted guitars, powerful vocals, and angst-driven lyrics characteristic of grunge music. At the same time, it embraces the extensive use of effects such as reverb and delay commonly associated with shoegaze. The result is a dynamic and immersive sound that draws on the best aspects of both genres.



The term "grungegaze" likely originated from the combination of "grunge" and "gaze," reflecting the genre's dual influences. While grunge and shoegaze emerged in different musical landscapes during the late 1980s and early 1990s, the fusion of these styles represents a contemporary exploration of alternative rock possibilities.

Notable grungegaze bands
