Gerson is a brazilian singer, writer and dancer. He released three books in Brazil:

  • Hemisfério-Dorso
  • 3355 Situações Que Você Deve Saber Para Não Morrer Como Nos Filmes de Terror (Preface written by José Mojica Marins)
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  • Gretchen: Uma Biografia Quase Não-Autorizada (with co-author Fábio Fabrício Fabretti)

He danced for five years on the TV show Amor & Sexo, hosted by Fernanda Lima, TV Globo. [1]

In 2023 he released his first album: Great Things Are Going To Happen, recorded in Stockholm, Sweden, produced by Locotraxx. [1]

Gerson in a photoshoot for the art cover of the single I Miss Them. Photo: Rafael Lemos.



  1. ^ "Brazilian Carnival - Your Complete Guide". 16 January 2020.