Wikipedia talk:WikiProject India/Fair dealing

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What is copyright?


Copyright is a bundle of rights that the author (or the holder of copyrights) of literary, dramatic, musical, artistic works and cinematograph films and sound recordings. It includes rights of reproduction, communication to the public, adaptation and translation of the work. Copyright law protects expressions of ideas rather than the ideas themselves. Under section 13 of the Copyright Act 1957, copyright protection is conferred on literary works, dramatic works, musical works, artistic works, cinematograph films and sound recording. For example, books, computer programs are protected under the Act as literary works.

Who is an author?


"author' means,-
(i) in relation to a literary or dramatic work, the author of the work;
(ii) in relation to a musical work, the composer;
(iii) in relation to an artistic work other than a photograph, the artist;
(iv) in relation to a photograph, the person taking the photograph;
(v) in relation to a cinematograph8 or sound recording the producer; and
(vi) in relation to 9 [any literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work which is computer-generated, the person who causes the work to be created;]
[(dd) 10 "broadcast" means communication to the public-
(i) by any means of wireless diffusion, whether in any one or more of the forms of signs, sounds or visual images; or
(ii) by wire, and includes a re-broadcast;]
Work of joint authorship" means a work produced by the collaboration of two or more authors in which the contribution of one author is not distinct from the contribution of the other author or authors.

What is a work?


"work" means any of the following works, namely:-
(i) a literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work;
(ii) a cinematograph film;
(iii) a sound recording;


Full text: The Copyright (Amendment) Bill, 2012 (The bill is still not signed by Presedent of India)

Programme vs. program


The article mentions computer programmes multiple times, whereas it should actually be a computer program. (talk) 02:30, 5 June 2012 (UTC)Reply