Wikipedia talk:United States Education Program/Courses/Reality Check (John Farquhar)

Welcome to the talk page


This is a place where you can ask questions, talk about problems, and discuss the Wikipedia assignment with classmates and other Wikipedians.--John.Farquhar (talk) 00:40, 28 August 2011 (UTC)Reply

How do we submit our Baseline Reports


I see on Blackboard and on Wikipedia that we are supposed to submit our Baseline reports, but my group does not know how / where to do this. TheJayBee (talk) 19:34, 14 October 2011 (UTC)Reply

On the Blackboard site, exactly where you find the assignment, is where you submit your report. Go to Blackboard, then to our course, then to Assignments, then click on the title "Article Baseline Report". From that point, you should see an option to upload a file and submit. John.Farquhar (talk) 04:07, 15 October 2011 (UTC)Reply