Wikipedia talk:Education program archive/Kyung Hee University/Climate Change and Sustainability (2014)/Course description

Course description


The course "Climate Change and Sustainability" (Korean: 지구를 식히는 상상력-기후변화 뛰어넘기) is offered by the Kyung Hee University in collaboration with the Kyung Hee Cyber University in Spring 2014.

Click on "show" to the right to read more of the course description

United Nations recently reported global greenhouse-gas emissions have risen more rapidly between 2000 and 2010 than in each of the three previous decades. Such climate change is impacting entire planet, raising risk of hunger, floods, and degrees of unforeseen conflicts worldwide. This course explores the possible cause of climate change of our planet Earth. The participants of lecture will be exposed to the connections between human everyday activity and the current warming trends through learning activities and case studies. This course is open to anyone concerned with the climate change, global warming and future sustainability for all. The course is designed for students of all ages, K-12 teachers, parents, and lifelong learners who are concerned with the related issues of global warming.

This course is NOT about climate science. The goal of this course is to promote your (public) awareness of environmental issues that may be the cause of global warming. It is to promote your civic engagements and citizenship skills while learning about the critical issues of global warming from engaging in meaningful education activities that will contribute to your understanding on making the differences in your community.

Intended audience: General audience / Junior high, High school and College entry level.

Language instruction: English / Korean Language Lecture delivered: Korean – multiple language script available through script translator

Learning objectives and environment


Participants will have a better understanding of climate change and its cause, their awareness of environmental issues will grow, and they will learn about Wikipedia and wikis.

Click on "show" to the right to read more about the learning objectives and environment

They will be able to gain a better understanding of:

1) How past climates contribute to our current understanding of climate change.

2) Possible consequences, risks, and uncertainties of climate change that is taking place today.

3) Editing Wikipedia will teach you how to use the MediaWiki software powering this site, as well as hundreds of thousands of other wikis. Today, knowing this software is an essential digital literacy skill, just like knowing how to use a text editor. Most people use Wikipedia every day, and you will join the growing but still elite ranks of those who know how information is created there, and can shape it themselves at will!

The learning environment we offer using MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) is not just another MOOC course. This is OCMOOC course (One Culture MOOC). It is an experimental MOOC course that is specifically designed for people who shares the same cultural background. From this, we hope to study and observe the learning patterns of how people who share the same culture background interact, access, support, collaborate, and share information among each other. Such observational study has significant potential for generating novel insights into learning and critical educational practices of targeted culture and cultural studies in general.

The enrollment for this course is largely opened to Korean populations worldwide but not restricted to anyone. Although lectures are delivered in Korean, multi-language translation script is available through Youtube script translator. This course is offered free, i.e. at no cost for the participants. There are no prerequisites. No prior science knowledge and background required.

The lecture seminar is six-week which will be co-facilitated by 1) Dr. Piotr Konieczny, a Professor of Information Sociology at Hanyang University and Wikipedia scholar, 2) Dr. Yoonil Auh, Professor of Instructional and Educational Technology and Faculty of Global Education and Collaboration, research fellows from GloEd institute, and a visiting professor at Kyung Hee Cyber University and visiting scholar at Seoul National University, 3)Raina HeeJung Sim, Executive Director at GloEd: Education for Better Developmentand 4) Chanmi Kim,Chief Academic Specialist at GloEd Institute and a research fellow at ODA Research Center, GSIS, Seoul National University.

There are three ways to take Climate Change and Global Warming course:

Option 1: Self-directed learning Option 2: Learning with Wiki Education Program Option 3: Global Citizenship Education workshop
You may view each lecture* at your own pace and post your questions or comments on provided space. Then, one of our friendly facilitators or participants of this course will respond to your postings. We have provided discussion section to encourage course participants to reflect their understanding about the topics and interact with the seminar tutors, and fellow students.
  • The lecture is in Korean however you can read the lecture script in English and other languages from Youtube.
You may take this course by interacting with and completing assignments with topic facilitators. The duration of education activity is six weeks. The format of learning activity is asynchronous and does not meet at specific times. Assignments and discussions change on a weekly basis and participating students are expected to complete the work within the week it is assigned. Learning activities include the use of Wikipedia and WIKI editing tools among others. Your final project includes posting the content relates to global warming to Wikipedia where it offers opportunity to share your work with the global community. Upon completion, you will receive certificate of completion from Kyung Hee Cyber University, Seoul Korea (FREE. No cost for the participants). To receive a certificate, you are required to successfully complete all activities. The education activities here will mainly be in English language with some support of Korean language.

You may take this course as a Global Citizenship Education workshop where the education activity will be based on issues related Climate Changes and Sustainability. You may however, enroll in both options 2 and 3 classes at the same time if you are either high school students, K-12 teachers or general public who are interested in these topics and to learn more about citizens responsibilities focused on your community. The duration of education activity is four weeks. The language used in this workshop will strictly be in KOREAN. The format of learning activity is asynchronous and does not meet at specific time. Education activities here will be facilitated by Raina Sim, who currently serves as Executive Director of GloEd Education for Better Development and a former Program Specialist at Korean Education Development Institute (KEDI); and Chanmi Kim, Chief Academic Specialist at GloEd Institute and a researcher at ODA Research Center, GSIS, SNU.

If you are simply auditing the seminar, the Classes Start date: 20th May 2014 Classes Start Date: 24th May 2014

Class Start Date: 24th May 2014

End date: May 2015 (one year from the start date but response from the tutors will be 8 weeks from the start date) Course Length: 6 weeks

Course Length: 4 weeks

Estimated effort: Self-directed and participation is highly encouraged. Estimated effort: 2 hours / week

Estimated effort: 1-3 hours a week

Let's get started!


Hi! I see you are ready to start. The Wikipedia segment of our course aims to increase your familiarity with environmentalism topics by allowing you to become a part of the international volunteer community creating the worlds biggest and free database of information related to this subject (Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia). In this course, you will learn how to edit Wikipedia, talk with other Wikipedia volunteers, and improve some environmentalism-related articles. Whenever you save an edit improving a Wikipedia page, it is going to be instantly visible to all future readers, numbering millions! Does it sound fun? Let's get started! Click here to go to Week 1 activities!