Wikipedia:WikiProject Women in Red/Metrics/Wikidata humans no gender 5

Wikidata items for en.wikipedia articles, coded as human but missing gender

This is a list of wikidata items linked to en.wikipedia articles, that are coded as human, but with no gender value.

  • Bluelinks: visit the wikidata item to add an appropriate gender, or, if the article is not about a human, choose an appropriate P31 value.
  • Redlinks: may indicate wikidata is pointing to a deleted article. If so, visit the wikidata item and remove the en.wikipedia sitelink.
  • Greenlinks: indicate a wikidata record pointing to a wikipedia redirect. Visit the wikidata item and remove the en.wikipedia sitelink, and then if the greenlink redirects to an article about the person (e.g. with a different spelling) visit the wikipedia article, check its link to a seperate wikidata item, and consider merging the two wikidata items. Don't merge if the redirect is to e.g. a band, company, TV programme. You will only see greenlinks if you have installed User:Anomie/linkclassifier. You owe it to yourself to do so.
  • Refresh the list if you wish: use the Update the list now link, though note that the page is refreshed on a near-daily basis in any event.
  • Do not edit the list, since your changes will be overwritten when the list is next refreshed.

Women in Red logo

This list is automatically generated from data in Wikidata and is periodically updated by Listeriabot.
Edits made within the list area will be removed on the next update!

wikidata item wikipedia article
Q64595599 Clifford Wayne Houston
Q66350394 Killing of Mohammad Habali
Q64846154 Hayk Babayan
Q65220708 Muhammad Hilman Idham
Q64814821 McRemer (baseball)
Q64814865 Murphy (baseball)
Q64814912 Quinn (baseball)
Q64816535 Shaffer (baseball)
Q64816538 Sheridan (baseball)
Q64816543 Smith (baseball)
Q64816686 Spencer (baseball)
Q64816681 Stafford (baseball)
Q65280497 Singsuk Singpai
Q65284204 Lim Jae-hyun

∑ 14 items.

End of auto-generated list.