Wikipedia:WikiProject Aviation/Peer review/Peer review instructions

Nomination procedure

Anyone can request an peer review. Users submitting new requests are encouraged to review an article from those already listed, and encourage reviewers by replying promptly and appreciatively to comments.

To add a nomination:

Step 1 - Create nomination subpage


Create a nomination subpage; this page needs to be a subpage of Wikipedia:WikiProject Aviation/Peer review. To create your own subpage, enter the name of the article you want to nominate in the form below (for example Wright Flyer) and click the "Create new nomination" button.


Transclude the newly created subpage to the Peer review list direct link), pasting {{Wikipedia:WikiProject Aviation/Peer review/ARTICLE NAME}} at the top of the list of nominees.

Step 3 - Advertise and notify

  1. Advertise the review by adding a link at {{WPAVIATION Review alerts}}, and add peer-review=yes to the {{WPAVIATION}} project banner at the top of the article's talk page (see the project banner instructions for more details on the exact syntax). This creates a notice to notifying other editors of the review.

How to respond to a request

  • Review one of the articles below. If you think something is wrong, or could be improved, post a comment in the article's section on this page. If you create a subsection within a review for your comments, please do not link your username: it is easily confused with an article title.
  • Feel free to correct the article yourself.

How to remove a request
In accordance with the Peer review request removal policy, you may remove to the archive any

  • inactive listings or listings older than one month,
  • inappropriate or abandoned listings (where the nominator has not replied to comments)
  • articles that have become featured article candidates

After removing the listing, contributors should replace the peer-review=yes tag in the banner with old-peer-review=yes.

How to resubmit a request
If your request has been removed, please feel free to renominate it for peer review at a later time:

  1. Move the old peer review page to [[Wikipedia:WikiProject Aviation/Peer review/ARTICLE NAME/archive1]] or the next open archive
  2. Edit [[Wikipedia:WikiProject Aviation/Peer review/ARTICLE NAME]], removing the redirect, and leaving [[Wikipedia:WikiProject Aviation/Peer review/ARTICLE NAME/archive1]] as a link to the archived discussion.
  3. Update the article talk page to reflect the new link to the archived peer review
  4. Place {{Wikipedia:WikiProject Aviation/Peer review/ARTICLE NAME}} at the top of the list of nominees below.