The Wikipedia:Top 25 Report was created in January 2013. This page is part of an archive project to preserve data from previous popular page reports.

Last month's reportNext month's report

The most viewed articles for April 2004, derived from historical data scattered in various places on the English Wikipedia,, and elsewhere.

The April 2004 statistics were first posted at Wikipedia:Popular_pages, limited to pages exceeding 10,000 hits for the month. The list includes the Main Page (unlike the way the WP:TOP25 is currently done), but the list was curated to exclude non-article pages.

Most Viewed Wikipedia Pages for April 2004

  1. 1421027 Main Page
  2. 70058 Jew (Googlebombing)
  3. 45177 Current events
  4. 24120 Frame dragging (Linked to from Slashdot)
  5. 22294 Columbine High School massacre
  6. 22165 Wikipedia
  7. 19373 World War II
  8. 19168 United States
  9. 14273 Wiki
  10. 13866 Sexual intercourse
  11. 13622 Eric Harris
  12. 13330 Short term memory
  13. 13277 Diana, Princess of Wales
  14. 12557
  15. 11768 List of sex positions
  16. 11255 A
  17. 10519 Pictures
  18. 10507 Mathematics
  19. 10099 Penis
  20. 9797 Adolf Hitler
  21. 9726 Recent deaths
  22. 9667 Germany
  23. 8843 France
  24. 8750 Computer science
  25. 8710 United Kingdom