Please remove only when the content contains musical information. Please redirect places to [[Music of ... ]]

  1. Apēchēma - gebwp
  2. Apel•les Mestres - gebwp Apel•les Mestres
  3. A Penny for a Song - gebwp (most notably a play by John Whiting, presumably musically refers to piece by Nicola LeFanu [1]?)
  4. Apesō - gebwp
  5. Apex Club - gebwp
  6. Ap-Gu-Ga - gebwp
  7. Apollo Society - gebwp
  8. Apostolos Konstas of Chios - gebwp
  9. Apostrophos - gebwp
  10. Apothéose - gebwp
  11. Apoyamento - gebwp
  12. Applausus musicus - gebwp
  13. Application - gebwp (dab, no music; is this the construction of applied dominant and so forth? 9/07)
  14. Appuy - gebwp
  15. Apt Manuscript - gebwp (suggest rd to Apt Codex, which has more oncoming links)
  16. Aquinas Ried - gebwp
  17. Arārāy - gebwp
  18. Arazova Izabella Konstantinovna - gebwp Arazova Konstantinovna
  19. Arbors - gebwp
  20. Arc [disambiguation needed] - gebwp (dab, don't know what's meant 9/07)
  21. Arcadian Academy - gebwp
  22. Arcangelo Borsaro - gebwp
  23. Arcangelo del Leuto - gebwp
  24. Arcangelo Gherardini - gebwp
  25. Arcangelo Lori - gebwp
  26. Arcangelo Spagna - gebwp
  27. Arcata in giù - gebwp
  28. Arcata in su - gebwp
  29. ARC–BRC - gebwp
  30. Arc-en-terre - gebwp
  31. Archaeomusicology - gebwp Archeomusicology
  32. Archet - gebwp (rd to middle earth place 6/09)
  33. Archibald Campbell - gebwp (dab, no music 6/09)
  34. Archie Johnson - gebwp (fictional char, 6/09)
  35. Archiquier - gebwp
  36. Archives and Documentation Centres International Association of Music Libraries - gebwp
  37. Archives and music - gebwp (probably better titled music archive or similar)
  38. Archiv für Populäre Musik - gebwp
  39. Archiwum Standardów Jazzowych - gebwp
  40. Archytas of Tarentum - gebwp (no music 6/09)
  41. Arcipreste de Hita - gebwp (Spanish poet, no music 6/09)
  42. Arc musical - gebwp (musical arc perhaps?)
  43. Arco musical - gebwp
  44. Ardel - gebwp
  45. Arden must Die - gebwp (opera by Alexander Goehr [2]) Arden Must Die
  46. Ar. de Ructis - gebwp
  47. Ar. de Ruttis - gebwp
  48. A re - gebwp
  49. ARFI - gebwp
  50. Argeliers León - gebwp
  51. Arghyris Kounadis - gebwp
  52. Argillières - gebwp (small town, no music 6/09)
  53. Argomento - gebwp
  54. Argonne Thornton - gebwp
  55. Ariadna - gebwp
  56. Arianna in Nasso - gebwp
  57. Ariarate - gebwp
  58. Ari Barroso - gebwp
  59. Ari Ben-Shabetai - gebwp
  60. Aribo - gebwp (rd to Aribo of Austria, soldier, no music 6/09)
  61. Ariette - gebwp (is this arietta in French?)
  62. Arif Melikov - gebwp
  63. Aristobulos Eutropius - gebwp
  64. Aristodemo Giorgini - gebwp
  65. Aristo e Temira - gebwp
  66. Aristotle - gebwp (no music 9/07)
  67. Arkadia - gebwp (Arkadia (disambiguation), ??)
  68. Arkady Shilkloper - gebwp
  69. Arkansas Opera Theatre - gebwp
  70. Arkansas Travelers - gebwp (baseball team, also dab, but no music for the plural 6/09)
  71. Arlene Zallman - gebwp
  72. Arley Reece - gebwp
  73. Armand - gebwp (dab, no music 6/09)
  74. Armandine - gebwp
  75. Armand Machabey - gebwp
  76. Armand Marsick - gebwp
  77. Armando Albuquerque - gebwp
  78. Armando Gentilucci - gebwp
  79. Armando Guevara Ochoa - gebwp Armando Guevara (not him 6/09) Armando Ochoa (not him 6/09)
  80. Armando Krieger - gebwp
  81. Armas Lindberg - gebwp
  82. Armas Otto Väisänen - gebwp Armas Väisänen
  83. Armeeposaune - gebwp
  84. Armen Bagrati Smbatian - gebwp
  85. Armen Carapetyan - gebwp
  86. Armen Tigrani Tigranyan - gebwp Armen Tigranyan (not him 6/09)
  87. Armen Tigran Tigranyan - gebwp
  88. Armin Kaufmann - gebwp
  89. Armin Knab - gebwp
  90. Armin O. Rosin - gebwp Armin Rosin
  91. Armonia di flauto - gebwp
  92. Armonica a manticino - gebwp
  93. Armonioso - gebwp
  94. Armonipiano - gebwp
  95. Arnaldo Bonaventura - gebwp
  96. Arnaldo Cohen - gebwp
  97. Arnaut d’ Aniels - gebwp (is this Arnaut Daniel?)
  98. Arne Bue Jensen - gebwp Arne Jensen
  99. Arne Hülphers - gebwp
  100. Arne Mellnäs - gebwp
  101. Arne Tyrén - gebwp
  102. Arnfried Edler
  103. Árni Björnsson - gebwp
  104. Arno Forchert - gebwp
  105. Arnold Adriaan Bake - gebwp Arnold Bake
  106. Arnol'd Aleksandrovich Al'shvang - gebwp Arnol'd Al'shvang Arnold Alshvang
  107. Arnold Caen - gebwp
  108. Arnold de Pruck - gebwp
  109. Arnold Elston - gebwp
  110. Arnold Foster - gebwp
  111. Arnold Franchetti - gebwp
  112. Arnold Geering - gebwp
  113. Arnold Goldsbrough - gebwp
  114. Arnold Joseph Blaes - gebwp Arnold Blaes
  115. Arnold Kein - gebwp
  116. Arnol'd Naumovich Sokhor - gebwp Arnol'd Sokhor Arnold Naumovich Sokhor Arnold Sokhor
  117. Arnoldo Fiamengo - gebwp
  118. Arnold of St Emmeram - gebwp Arnold of St. Emmeram
  119. Arnold Östman - gebwp
  120. Arnold Richardson - gebwp
  121. Arnold Rosner - gebwp
  122. Arnold Ross - gebwp (mathematician, no music 6/09)
  123. Arnold Schmitz - gebwp
  124. Arnoldus Brugensis - gebwp
  125. Arnoldus De Fine - gebwp Arnoldus de Fine
  126. Arnoldus Olofsen - gebwp
  127. Arnolfo da Francia - gebwp
  128. Arnolfo Giliardi - gebwp
  129. Arnošt Kavka - gebwp
  130. Arnošt Parsch - gebwp
  131. Arnošt Vančura - gebwp (alt. Arnošt Wanczura, cs:Arnošt Vančura)
  132. Arnošt Wanczura - gebwp (alt. Arnošt Vančura, above)
  133. Arnošt Wanskura - gebwp
  134. Arnoul Greban - gebwp
  135. Arnt von Aich - gebwp
  136. Arnulf of St Ghislain - gebwp Arnulf of St. Ghislain
  137. Arnulfo Miramontes - gebwp
  138. Arpa-citara - gebwp (Harp zither I imagine)
  139. Árpád Szendy - gebwp
  140. Arpanetta - gebwp
  141. Arpeggio Glissandi - gebwp
  142. Arpicembalo - gebwp
  143. Arpichordum stop - gebwp
  144. Arpicordo - gebwp (rd to harpsichord, I don't see this term there, is it right? 6/09)
  145. Arpicordo leutato - gebwp
  146. Arpitarrone - gebwp
  147. Arrey von Dommer - gebwp
  148. Arricha del Tolveno - gebwp
  149. Arrigo - gebwp
  150. Arrigo Benvenuti - gebwp
  151. Arrigo Pelliccia - gebwp
  152. Arrigo Tedesco - gebwp
  153. Arrow Music Company - gebwp
  154. Arsace - gebwp
  155. Arsène Souffriau - gebwp
  156. Arseny Pavlovich Gladkovsky - gebwp Arseny Gladkovsky
  157. Arsinoe - gebwp (dab, no music 9/07)
  158. Ars Viva - gebwp
  159. Art Drelinger - gebwp
  160. Artémis - gebwp
  161. Art Hillery - gebwp
  162. Arthur Battelle Whiting / Arthur Whiting - gebwp
  163. Arthur Cohn - gebwp (film producer, no music 9/07)
  164. Arthur Davies - gebwp (dab, no music 6/09)
  165. Arthur Edghill - gebwp
  166. Arthur Endrèze - gebwp
  167. Arthur Fickénscher - gebwp
  168. Arthur Hammond - gebwp (soldier, no music 6/09)
  169. Arthur Hautcousteaux - gebwp
  170. Arthur Hervey - gebwp
  171. Arthur Hoérée - gebwp
  172. Arthur Jarvinen - gebwp
  173. Arthur Knox Duff - gebwp
  174. Arthur Meulemans - gebwp
  175. Arthur Michel - gebwp
  176. Arthur Miller - gebwp (didn't see any reference to music 6/09)
  177. Arthur Paroisse-Pougin - gebwp
  178. Arthur Phillips - gebwp (no music 9/07)
  179. Arthur Preuss - gebwp
  180. Arthur P. Schmidt - gebwp (film editor, no music 6/09)
  181. Arthur Schopenhauer - gebwp (didn't see music, 9/07)
  182. Arthur Seguin - gebwp
  183. Arthur W. Tams - gebwp Arthur Tams
  184. Artia - gebwp (publisher, no music 6/09)
  185. Articulation and phrasing - gebwp
  186. Articulation marks - gebwp
  187. Artie Anton - gebwp
  188. Artie Whetsol - gebwp
  189. Artisans Workshop - gebwp
  190. ARTISJUS - gebwp
  191. Artis Quartet - gebwp
  192. Artisticheskiy Kruzhok - gebwp
  193. Artists House - gebwp
  194. Artists’ Jazz Band - gebwp
  195. Art Napoleon - gebwp
  196. Artpark - gebwp (park, used as venue but no discussion 9/07)
  197. Art Rollini - gebwp
  198. Art "Shaki" Lewis - gebwp Art Lewis (footballer, 6/09) Shaki Lewis
  199. Art Trappier - gebwp
  200. Artur Gelbrun - gebwp
  201. Artúr Harmat - gebwp
  202. Artur Korn - gebwp
  203. Artur Malawski - gebwp
  204. Artur Napoleão - gebwp
  205. Arturo Berutti - gebwp
  206. Arturo Colautti - gebwp
  207. Arturo Rossato - gebwp
  208. Artur Pizarro - gebwp
  209. Artur Rother - gebwp
  210. Artūrs Grīnups - gebwp Arturs Grinups
  211. Artur Simon - gebwp
  212. Artus Aux-Cousteaux - gebwp
  213. Arundell Orchard - gebwp
  214. Arundel Orchard - gebwp
  215. Arvid August Afzelius - gebwp (poet/historian, no music 9/07)
  216. Arvid Kleven - gebwp
  217. Arvid Niclas von Höpken - gebwp
  218. Arvīds Jansons - gebwp Arvids Jansons
  219. Arville Harris - gebwp
  220. Ary Moiseyevich Pazovsky - gebwp
  221. Ary Verhaar - gebwp
  222. As - gebwp (dab, probably means a-flat, not there 9/07)
  223. Asa Brooks Everett - gebwp
  224. Asa Hopkins - gebwp
  225. Asante music - gebwp (should rd to Ashanti music)
  226. Asas - gebwp (dab, no music 6/09)
  227. Asbjørn Schaathun - gebwp
  228. Ascanio Cavalaro - gebwp
  229. Ascanio Cavallari - gebwp
  230. Ascanio Del Cornetto - gebwp
  231. Ascanio Garsi - gebwp
  232. Ascanio Marri - gebwp
  233. Ascanio Meo - gebwp
  234. Åse Hedstrøm - gebwp
  235. ‘Asei beroshim - gebwp 'Asei beroshim Asei beroshim
  236. Asen Karastoyanov - gebwp (de:Asen Karastojanow)
  237. Asep Sunandar - gebwp
  238. Ashkenazi music - gebwp
  239. Ashley - gebwp (dab, ??? 9/07)
  240. Ashley Heenan - gebwp
  241. Ashley Lawrence - gebwp
  242. Ashmedai - gebwp (demon, no music 6/09)
  243. Ashot Patvakani Zohrabian - gebwp Ashot Zohrabian
  244. Ashter Aweke - gebwp
  245. Asian Improv - gebwp
  246. Asian Music Forum - gebwp
  247. As Jamīl al- - gebwp Jamil al-As As al-Jamil
  248. Áskell Másson - gebwp
  249. Askold’s Grave - gebwp Askold's Grave
  250. Asmahān - gebwp
  251. Asmatikē akolouthia - gebwp
  252. ASOL - gebwp
  253. A. Spencer Barefield - gebwp Spencer Barefield
  254. Aspirate - gebwp (Aspiration (phonetics), as in diction?, no other music 6/09)
  255. Asrael - gebwp (demon, no music 9/07)
  256. Assen Naidenov - gebwp
  257. Assez - gebwp (should this redirect to assai?)
  258. Associated Music Publishers - gebwp (rd, name not mentioned explicitly 6/09)
  259. Association Internationale d'Archives Sonores et Audiovisuelles - gebwp
  260. Association Internationale des Bibliothèques Musicales - gebwp
  261. Associazione Toscana per la Ricerca delle Fonti Musicali - gebwp
  262. assoluta Assoluto - gebwp
  263. Assunto - gebwp
  264. Assyrian church music - gebwp
  265. Astarto - gebwp
  266. Astianatte - gebwp
  267. Aston Magna Foundation for Music and the Humanities - gebwp
  268. Astoria Hot Eight - gebwp
  269. Astor Place Opera Company - gebwp
  270. Astor Place Opera House - gebwp
  271. A Tale of Two Cities [disambiguation needed] - gebwp (just A Tale of Two Cities (musical), not sure these are included here 6/09)
  272. Atanasio Bello Montero - gebwp Atanasio Montero
  273. Atelier de Recherche et de Création pour l’Art Lyrique - gebwp
  274. Atempause - gebwp
  275. Athanasius Georgiceus - gebwp
  276. Athanasius Jurjević - gebwp
  277. Athanas Margaritov - gebwp
  278. Athos Palma - gebwp
  279. Atiliano Auza-León - gebwp
  280. A. Tillman Merritt - gebwp ([3]) Tillman Merritt
  281. Atis - gebwp (dab, no music 6/09)
  282. Atlantic Symphony Orchestra - gebwp
  283. Atli Ingólfsson - gebwp
  284. Atnah - gebwp
  285. Ato Adolphus Turkson - gebwp Ato Turkson
  286. Ato episcopus Trecensis - gebwp
  287. Atomtod - gebwp
  288. Atresio Geonuntino - gebwp
  289. Atsuko Azuma - gebwp
  290. Atsushi Ikeda - gebwp
  291. Attacco - gebwp (rd to Attacco Decente, but I don't think that's what's meant 9/07)
  292. At the Boar’s Head - gebwp (short opera by Gustav Holst)
  293. Attila Bozay - gebwp
  294. Attilio Colonello - gebwp
  295. Attilio Regolo - gebwp (rd, Marcus Atilius Regulus (disambiguation), maybe there's an opera about one? 9/07)
  296. Atto - gebwp (dab, no music 6/09;this is Italian for act, right?)
  297. Atumpan (drum) - gebwp
  298. Auctor Lampadius - gebwp
  299. Audioquest Music - gebwp
  300. Auditory streaming - gebwp (rd to voice leading, where there is discussion of auditory stream; these seem different enough for a separate article) 6/09
  301. Audrey Mildmay - gebwp
  302. Aufheben - gebwp (philosophy, no music 9/07)
  303. Aufklärung - gebwp (rd to Age of Enlightenment, ??? 9/07)
  304. Auflösungszeichen - gebwp
  305. Aufstrich - gebwp (rd to bow (music), no explanation 9/07)
  306. Aufzug - gebwp
  307. Augener - gebwp
  308. August Abranovics - gebwp
  309. Augusta Concato - gebwp
  310. August Alexander Klengel - gebwp August Klengel
  311. Augusta Oltrabella - gebwp
  312. August Baeyens - gebwp
  313. August Bergt - gebwp
  314. August Bernhard Valentin Herbing - gebwp August Herbing
  315. August Durand - gebwp
  316. August Duranowski - gebwp
  317. August Eberhard Müller - gebwp August Müller (not him 6/09; we want de: August Eberhard Müller)
  318. Auguste Bertini - gebwp
  319. Auguste Bottée de Toulmon - gebwp Auguste de Toulmon
  320. Auguste Chapuis - gebwp
  321. Auguste Charles Léonard François Vianesi - gebwp Auguste Vianesi
  322. Auguste de Peellaert - gebwp
  323. Auguste de Pellaert - gebwp
  324. Auguste Emmanuel Vaucorbeil - gebwp Auguste Vaucorbeil
  325. Auguste Kraus - gebwp
  326. Auguste Nourrit - gebwp
  327. Auguste Panseron - gebwp
  328. Auguste Seidl-Kraus - gebwp
  329. Auguste Sérieyx - gebwp
  330. Auguste Wolff - gebwp
  331. August Ferdinand Haeser - gebwp August Haeser
  332. August Freiherr von Haxthausen - gebwp August von Haxthausen
  333. August Freyer - gebwp
  334. August Friedrich Hermann Gern - gebwp August Gern
  335. August Friedrich Pott - gebwp (linguist, no music 6/09)
  336. August Gottlieb Meissner - gebwp August Meissner
  337. August Harder - gebwp
  338. August Heinrich Wenck - gebwp August Wenck
  339. August Heinrich Wenk - gebwp August Wenk
  340. August Hermann Francke - gebwp (churchman, no music 9/07)
  341. Augustin Bena - gebwp
  342. Augustin Dumay - gebwp
  343. Augustine of Hippo - gebwp (not sure what musical content would be expected)
  344. Augustin Holler - gebwp
  345. Augustinian canons - gebwp (no music 6/09)
  346. Augustin Nuibo - gebwp
  347. Augustin Pfleger - gebwp
  348. Augustin Plattner - gebwp
  349. Augustin Reinhard Stricker - gebwp Augustin Stricker
  350. Augustin Ullinger - gebwp
  351. Augustinus Franz Kropfreiter - gebwp Augustinus Kropfreiter
  352. August Johannes Biehle - gebwp August Biehle (not him 6/09)
  353. August Körling - gebwp
  354. August Noringer - gebwp
  355. August Nörmiger - gebwp
  356. Augusto Azzali - gebwp
  357. Augusto Cagli - gebwp
  358. Augusto Machado - gebwp
  359. August Otto Halm - gebwp August Halm
  360. August Reissmann - gebwp
  361. August Reuss - gebwp
  362. August Robert Forberg - gebwp August Forberg
  363. August Röckel - gebwp
  364. August Roeckel - gebwp
  365. August Sachtleben - gebwp
  366. August Seider - gebwp
  367. August Strindberg - gebwp (writer, no discussion of music 9/07)
  368. Augustus Hughes-Hughes - gebwp
  369. August Verbesselt - gebwp
  370. August Zschiesche - gebwp
  371. Aulen - gebwp (bishop, no music 6/09)
  372. Aulikki Rautawaara - gebwp
  373. Aura - gebwp (dab, not sure what's meant, albums not generally included on this list, so must be something else 9/07)
  374. Aura Rully - gebwp
  375. Aura Urziceanu - gebwp
  376. Aurelio Aureli - gebwp
  377. Aurelio Berettari - gebwp
  378. Aurelio Bonelli - gebwp
  379. Aurelio de la Vega - gebwp
  380. Aurelio della Faya - gebwp
  381. Aurelio Della Faya - gebwp
  382. Aurelio La Faya - gebwp
  383. Aurelio Signoretti - gebwp
  384. Aurelio Tello - gebwp
  385. Aurel Stroe - gebwp
  386. Aureus Dix - gebwp
  387. Aurora [disambiguation needed] - gebwp (no music 6/09)
  388. Ausdrucksvoll - gebwp
  389. Ausfaltung - gebwp
  390. Ausführung - gebwp
  391. Auskomponierung - gebwp
  392. Auslösung - gebwp
  393. Aussensatz - gebwp
  394. Aussig - gebwp (Music of Aussig? rd to Music of Ústí nad Labem? or is this something else?)
  395. Austin Organs - gebwp
  396. Australia Ensemble - gebwp
  397. Australian Jazz Quartet - gebwp
  398. Australian Mechanical Copyright Owners Society - gebwp
  399. Australian Opera - gebwp
  400. Austria Germany - gebwp
  401. Austrian All Stars - gebwp
  402. Ausweichung - gebwp
  403. Auszug - gebwp
  404. Authors and Publishers American Society of Composers - gebwp
  405. Auto - gebwp (dab, no music 6/09)
  406. automatic Violin player - gebwp (presumably needs to redirect to automatic violin player)
  407. Auxiliary stop - gebwp
  408. Ava - gebwp (perhaps Ava (poet), no music 9/07)
  409. Ava June - gebwp
  410. Avant - gebwp (recent singer, too recent for this list, Avant (disambiguation), nothing obvious, is it avant-jazz? 9/07)
  411. Avelino de Aguirre Lizaola - gebwp
  412. Avenpace - gebwp (philosopher, no music 9/07)
  413. Aventures Nouvelles aventures - gebwp (refers to two works by György Ligeti, neither of which yet has an article, Aventures and Nouvelles aventures/Nouvelles Aventures)
  414. Averroes - gebwp (no music evident, 9/07)
  415. Aversi - gebwp
  416. Avery - gebwp (dab, ??? 9/07)
  417. Avery Burnett - gebwp
  418. Avery Burton - gebwp
  419. Avicenna - gebwp (just mentions music, 9/07)
  420. A Vingança da cigana - gebwp
  421. Avison Edition - gebwp
  422. A Volga Dream - gebwp (opera A Dream on the Volga, op. 16, by Anton Arensky?)
  423. A Water Bird Talk - gebwp (opera by Dominick Argento [4])
  424. A. W. F. Matern / A. W. F. Mattern - gwpgwp
  425. A Winter’s Tale - gebwp (Shakespeare play, but is this a reference to Der Silbersee by Kurt Weill?)
  426. Awshīyāt - gebwp
  427. Ax - gebwp (dab, no music 6/09; slang for guitar?)
  428. Axel Gabriel Ingelius - gebwp Axel Ingelius
  429. Axel Helmer - gebwp
  430. Axel W. Christensen - gebwp Axel Christensen
  431. Ayliff - gebwp
  432. Aylmer Buesst - gebwp
  433. Azione sacra - gebwp (rd to List of opera genres)
  434. AZ Music - gebwp
  435. Aztec music - gebwp
  436. Azucena Maizani - gebwp
  437. Azzolino Bernardino Della Ciaia - gebwp
  438. Ba - gebwp (dab, no music 6/09)
  439. Baarpijp - gebwp
  440. Baataryn Avirmed - gebwp
  441. Babbi - gebwp
  442. Baby bass - gebwp
  443. Baby Fingers - gebwp
  444. Baby Laurence - gebwp
  445. Babylonian music - gebwp
  446. Babylons Pyramiden - gebwp
  447. Baby Lovett - gebwp
  448. Bacchetta - gebwp
  449. Bacchius - gebwp
  450. Bacciccia - gebwp
  451. Baccio Fiorentino - gebwp
  452. Bach-Abel Concerts - gebwp
  453. Bach disposition - gebwp
  454. Bache - gebwp (dab, ??? 9/07)
  455. Bach-Gesellschaft - gebwp
  456. Bach Guild - gebwp
  457. Bach harpsichord - gebwp
  458. Bachklavier - gebwp
  459. Bach Revival - gebwp (redirect to short bit on Mendelssohn in the 19th c., needs more 6/09; see de:Bach-Renaissance)
  460. Bach Society - gebwp
  461. Back - gebwp (Back (disambiguation), ??? 9/07)
  462. Back check - gebwp
  463. Backfall - gebwp
  464. Background - gebwp (dab, perhaps as in Schenkerian analysis? or Background music?)
  465. Bacocco e Serpilla - gebwp
  466. Bactrian music - gebwp
  467. Bader - gebwp (dab, ??? 9/07)
  468. Baetz - gebwp
  469. Bag-hornpipe - gebwp
  470. Baglioni - gebwp (dab, ?? 9/07)
  471. Baguala - gebwp
  472. Baguette - gebwp (food, no music 9/07)
  473. Bailecito - gebwp
  474. Baitz - gebwp
  475. Bajete - gebwp
  476. Bakcheios Gerōn - gebwp
  477. Bakchos - gebwp (rd to saints, no music 6/09)
  478. Bakhram Mansurov - gebwp
  479. Bakhrullo Lutfullayev - gebwp
  480. Bakton - gebwp
  481. Bālābān - gebwp
  482. Balanced action - gebwp
  483. Balancement - gebwp
  484. Balanchivadze - gebwp
  485. Balázs Szunyogh - gebwp
  486. Balbiani-Vegezzi-Bossi - gebwp
  487. Baldassare de Belgioioso - gebwp
  488. Balduin Hoyoul - gebwp
  489. Balduin Huiol - gebwp
  490. Balduin Hujus - gebwp
  491. Baldwin Bergersen - gebwp
  492. Baldwin organ - gebwp
  493. Balino - gebwp
  494. Bálint Sárosi - gebwp
  495. Ballabile - gebwp
  496. Ballade - gebwp (poem form, no music 9/07)
  497. Ballad horn - gebwp
  498. Ballard - gebwp (dab, ??? 9/07)
  499. Ballet des saisons - gebwp
  500. Ballet du XXème Siècle - gebwp
  501. Ballet en action - gebwp
  502. Ballet-héroïque - gebwp
  503. Ballet Lutebook - gebwp
  504. Ballet pantomime - gebwp
  505. Ballett - gebwp
  506. Balletto - gebwp
  507. Balmer & Weber Music House - gebwp
  508. Baltasar Saldoni - gebwp
  509. Baltasar Samper - gebwp
  510. Baltazarini - gebwp
  511. Balthasar Arthopius - gebwp
  512. Balthasar Artocopus - gebwp
  513. Balthasar Artopaeus - gebwp
  514. Balthasar Erben - gebwp
  515. Balthasar Fritsch - gebwp
  516. Balthasar Musculus - gebwp
  517. Balthasar Schmid - gebwp
  518. Balthasar Schmidt - gebwp
  519. Balthazard Torlez - gebwp
  520. Balthazar Richard - gebwp
  521. Balz Trümpy - gebwp
  522. Banda turca - gebwp
  523. Band man - gebwp
  524. Bandurichen - gebwp
  525. Banister - gebwp (architecture, no music 9/07)
  526. Banjo Ike - gebwp
  527. Banjo Robinson - gebwp
  528. Bannister - gebwp (dab, ?? 9/07)
  529. Baptist church music - gebwp
  530. Baptiste - gebwp (dab, ?? 9/07)
  531. Barandello - gebwp
  532. Bararipton - gebwp
  533. Barbara B. Smith - gebwp (church person, no music 9/07)
  534. Barbara Donald - gebwp
  535. Barbara Gerl - gebwp