Wikimeetup 1 – Perth – 1 February 2007

Meetup In Perth, Western Australia

Meeting Place
Attendees left to right; Fred.e Orderinchaos78 Hesperian Moondyne Ghostieguide JarrahTree Gnangarra, Photographer SeanMack

Confirmed attendees




What happened


The inaugural Perth meetup was a fairly quiet event, after meeting up outside the State Library of WA. The group decided that since all were impervious to further loss of brain function from the consumption of alcohol, and that all attendees were of a legal age to consume said alcohol, the group relocated to the establishment known as The Brass Monkey on the corner of James and William Streets in Northbridge.

This quiet group discussed various aspects of Wikipedia and life beyond with the only attempt of consensus involving orders for the next round. The night appeared to have been successful: there were no arrests, though some did opt to leave prior to the calling of last drinks.



Last updated 2007-02-02 (Australia/Perth)About these figures

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