
International Women's Day at RAMM

Study of Convolvulus and Green Wheat by Helen Cordelia Angell

RAMM has released its public domain paintings by women to celebrate International Women's Day.

These paintings include works by Olive Wharry who was a suffragette, Mary Beale, a painter from the 1600s who was the main financial provider for her family and Helen Cordelia Angell whom William Henry Hunt named as his only successor.

RAMM celebrates World Wildlife Day

Pecten opercularis - Scallop by Philip Henry Gosse

RAMM has uploaded 254 images to celebrate World Wildlife Day (3 March 2024).

This collection includes paintings and drawings of sea life from Philip Henry Gosse, paintings of birds and insects from Ann Lee and paintings of insects by John Obadiah Westwood.

Philip Henry Gosse was an English naturalist and populariser of natural science, an early improver of the seawater aquarium, and a painstaking innovator in the study of marine biology. Gosse created and stocked the first public aquarium at the London Zoo in 1853, and coined the term "aquarium" when he published the first manual, The Aquarium: An Unveiling of the Wonders of the Deep Sea, in 1854. His work was the catalyst for an aquarium craze in early Victorian England.

Ann Lee was a British botanical illustrator who also illustrated birds and insects. Ann was highly regarded as an artist. Dr John Fothergill (1712-1780), a naturalist and collector, commissioned her to draw rare plants growing in his garden and preserved insects and sea shells from his museum. Ann’s drawings provide a resource that might identify the actual specimens of insects that she drew.

John Obadiah Westwood was an English entomologist and archaeologist also noted for his artistic talents. He published several illustrated works on insects and antiquities.

RAMM’s Pressing Images: prints from Exeter's fine art collection

Memorial print of an actor (shini-e) by Utagawa Kunihiro.

RAMM has released 24 public domain images from the Pressing Images: prints from Exeter's fine art collection Exhibition onto Wikimedia Commons.

The exhibition uncovers the roots of printmaking in early modern Europe. Pressing Images illustrates to visitors the results of the dawn of the revolution brought about by the introduction of the printing press, which democratised art by making images accessible and affordable for the first time. This ground-breaking invention paved the way for mass-produced images, transforming art from an exclusive luxury into a shared cultural experience.

Highlights include ‘Adam and Eve’ after the German master Albrecht Dürer (1504), one of the earliest surviving woodblocks by Jost Amman (1539-1591), William Hogarth’s 18th century satirical engravings and 19th century Japanese prints.

RAMM has added 189 images of Exeter and Devon

Watercolour by Frederick John Widgery circa 1980 of Bowerman's Nose, Dartmoor.

RAMM has release 189 public domain paintings and drawings of places in and around Exeter and the wider Devon area onto Wikimedia Commons. This includes works from Francis Towne, Frederick John Widgery and John White Abbott.

The images include paintings of areas of Exeter that no longer exist either due to the Blitz or because the buildings were demolished.

To view the images visit RAMM's Wikimedia Commons category