Wikipedia:Expert review/reviewers/access

This page describes how to request approval and revocation of reviewers in expert review, and provides information on how to file these requests with coordinators.

Approval requests

  • We require some information to ensure that you truly are an expert and that you are suitable for the reviewer position. Essential information includes:
    • your full name;
    • your e-mail address;
    • your most recent scientific publications;
    • your academic qualifications;
    • subject areas that you would like to review; and
    • the name of someone (who must be an expert) that coordinators may contact to vouch for your expertise; the e-mail address of this person must be available on an official, reliable Internet page.
  • Optional, but helpful, information includes:
    • your account name (if any);
    • educational institution(s) that you actively work in; and
    • any other information that you are willing to release and feel is relevant to your request.
  • Gather all of the essential information above, and any optional information that you want to include, and send an e-mail to the coordinators' mailing list (see the list of expert review mailing lists), including the text "Reviewer approval request" in the subject line. (Be advised that this is a publicly-readable mailing list.)
  • If successful, your name will be added by a coordinator to the list of reviewers, and your e-mail address will be granted access to post on all of the expert review mailing lists.

Disapproval requests

  • Disapproval requests – requests for the revocation of reviewer privileges, or removal from the list of reviewers – are granted only very rarely, if:
    • evidence can be provided that the reviewer deliberately provided false or incorrect information when requesting approval;
    • evidence can be provided that the reviewer deliberately caused damage or disruption to any area of the English Wikipedia;
    • the Arbitration Committee, or some other body with similar authority, files the request; or
    • the reviewer in question makes the request.
  • Gather all relevant information above, and send an e-mail to the coordinators' mailing list (see the list of expert review mailing lists), including the text "Reviewer revocation request" in the subject line.
  • If successful, the name of the reviewer in question will be removed by a coordinator from the list of reviewers, and the reviewer's e-mail address will be revoked access to post on all of the mailing lists with the exception of the coordinators' mailing list.
  • Abusing disapproval requests may warrant a block, or possibly a ban from the expert review mailing lists.