Wikipedia:Did you know/Statistics/Monthly DYK pageview leaders/2023/June/Summary

To main summary page

Type Non-image Image Overall
vph Article vph Article vph Article
Low 73.2 Gus C. Moser 118.0 Kölner Domchor 73.2 Gus C. Moser
Median 235.9 Narita Viliamu Tahega 597.3 The Wilbraham
The Stone Breakers
245.3 Al-Faddayni
High 1,302.2 Longcat 2,600.3 Impossible Whopper 2,600.3 Impossible Whopper

To total table


This row is transcluded to Wikipedia:Did you know/Statistics/Monthly summary statistics/2023/Total.

June 2023 239 19 7.9 73.2 Gus C. Moser 245.3 Al-Faddayni 2,600.3 Impossible Whopper

To imaged table


This row is transcluded to Wikipedia:Did you know/Statistics/Monthly summary statistics/2023/Imaged.

June 2023 30 7 23.3 118.0 Kölner Domchor 597.3 The Wilbraham
The Stone Breakers
2,600.3 Impossible Whopper

To non-imaged table


This row is transcluded to Wikipedia:Did you know/Statistics/Monthly summary statistics/2023/Non-imaged.

June 2023 209 12 5.7 73.2 Gus C. Moser 235.9 Narita Viliamu Tahega 1,302.2 Longcat