Why tables and charts now away without storing in history link after talk ? Tables are fully referenced with names of source still in german wikipedia ! Refererence numbers refere to strange australian weather... and nowhere in article stands something about nuclear deaths until now. Tables translated. Values for ankles german wikipedia 2-3Sv written high to 2000-6000mSv who ? National Science Japan... reliable source not confirming in after checking ! (talk) 14:23, 4 November 2011 (UTC)Reply

Deleting ok of last addings not all tables and charts or refrenced not proofed with ankles. Was maybe to much to tell about posibilities reactor desing. But adding Not Proofed same Chernobyl values with tables exact Chornobyl neighbor city. Story about Wall 3.12m->5.7m to be refered with "Spektrum Wissenschaft" article August for free available there also. I wanted to delte myself a little today also forced paying and citation S. Gabriel true giving at all impression what was going on with information in medias also Wikipedia for that also special part in german wikipedia. Not right place or right place calling for HfC Layer EPR weak pont or for >30m easy possible so no next disaster arictle very very very important ? Also chrome ir 11BN instead Zr no nonsense. Can you or enkidu improve and keep instead delete all ? Informing about german plants also in Spektrum ! Comparing also plant security of RBMK/EPR... right for right impression ! RBMK 18-20s -50/60%... EPR <2s -90% no graphite... or pebble bed not burning with 11BN instead graphite. Solar and Wind No Solution and less time until outgoing of oil gas coal CO2 to be referenced with exploration maxima in WP ! Entry with wrong information about values is ok if tables and reading hint !

Kay Uwe Böhm (talk) 13:27, 4 November 2011 (UTC)Reply