YL's PWNSOME Information/Adventures


Hey everyone, it's YOUNG_LINK_. Welcome to my wiki page. Well, I give out "TOP SECRET" information about some lame crud that you'd never believe. Well, sometimes it's not information, but just anything I feel like talking about. Well, by typing this I'm losing my "coolio points", so I guess you'll be seeing what I type. C'ya!

The ACTUAL Next-Gen Systems


Hello everyone, you have been wondering about the new systems such as the Wii and the PS3. Sure, Microsoft came out with their system already, but you don't know the secrets! You see, there's no such thing as a Wii or a PS3, Microsoft never even meant to make the 360. You see, the media lies to you! LIES!!! You see, there are going to be new 2 bit systems called the "Awesome Grape Juice Spewer" by Nintendo and a 1 bit system by Sony called the "Same Ol' Cheapness We've Always Made". Microsoft originally was going to make a 0 bit system called the "Thingamajig That Works Better Than The XBOX", but there were some problems so they stuck to the 360. Nintendo's first game is to be "PITY DA' FOOL!!!" starring Mr.T left and right without being controlled yelling, "I pity da' fool!" at a lot of different people in one order. Here's the list: 1.Bill Gates 2.A Kangaroo 3.Weird Al Yankovic 4.Homer Simpson 5.The Donut King 6.Mrs.Florida 7.Mr.T's Evil Clone 8.Some Drunk Panda 9.Darth Vader 10.A Soccer Mom 11.Monty Python 12.The King Of Nothing 13.Snoop Dogg 14.Bob Ross 15.Bob Ross's Happy Trees 16.Some Weather Dude 17.A Guy With A Purple Face 18.A Bird 19.A Broken Computer That Appears Out Of Thin Air 20.Trogdor... Shortly after Trogdor is pitied, Trogdor is so honored of being pitied, that in his excitement, he breathes fire at Mr.T by accident and catches his hair on fire. Mr.T then says "FOOL! YOU CAUGHT M' GANGSTA MOHAW' ON FIA'!" and then you are able to control Mr.T by blowing his burning hair in different direction with the wind which you control, but by controlling the wind to blow Mr.T's hair, you control Mr.T. Trogdor eventually dies of boredom and you win. YEA!!! Then, as a reward, grape juice is spewed everywhere not only discoloring your carpet and making a mess everywhere, but it also supplies a drink, screws up your tv, your new Nintendo system and anything else electronic in the house. Now, Sony, is making two games. The first game is called "White". All you do is stare at a blank screen until you get really, really tired. Once you're almost asleep, some screaming face appears and freaks you out as well as wakes you up. The other game is called "Black". It's the same as "White" except the colors are the exact opposite and the face that appears on screen screams "WHY DO PRESIDENTS SEND THE POOR?" and it plays the music video of System of a Down's BYOB in different shades of black. Lastly, Microsoft was planning to make a system called "0 BIT EXTREME!!!", but however, the color didn't work on this 0 bit marvel and even when you used cables made for it, the system wouldn't work. They never figured out why the no bit system didn't work, but they say that they'll find a fix for it someday and let the no bit machine prevail over all. Well, that' all the news about the ACTUAL next-gen systems!

Team Monkey PWNS All


Hello all. Just recently, it has been reported that a new team on XBOX Live, is PWNING the competition in Halo 2, Geometry Wars and many other games. Their team is called Team Monkey and we've recently interviewed them. Before the interview, we'll tell you two things. 1.Everyone in the team... Is a monkey. 2.Their names are as follows online, Monkey 1, Monkey 2, Monkey 3, Monkey 4, Monkey 5 and Monkey 6. Monkeys 2 through 6 are currently at the grocery store, buying banana with their PWNSOME points (points that only people really good on XBL good that can be redeemed at stores) and here's te interview: Me:Hello. Monkey 1:(designates computer screen and goes into Microsoft Word and types for the conversation) Hello! Me:So, how are you so good? Monkey 1:Well, we first drink banana margaritas, then, when we're drunk, we finally eat our banana stash which is currently being replenished. Me:And then? Monkey 1:We then concentrate on Einstein's many difficult math problems, solve them in our heads, watch one full hour of Teletubbies and then we finally fling poo at innocent people taking a night walk. Afterwards, we THOROUGHLY wash our hands and go off for som XBL sessions. Me:... Ooooookay then... Would that tip work for HUMANS? Monkey 1:You despicable humans can do nothing to beat us! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Me:Riiiiight... (monkeys 2 through 6 walk in) Monkey 1:MONKEYS, ASSEMBLE!!! (still typing) (all of the monkeys then become some ginormous monkey and start speaking in monkey after reading the computer screen) Me:Holy... AHHHHH!!! (I run away as fast as possible)

And that pretty much summed up the interview... C'ya later!

TEAM NSIDER PWNS ALL!!! Or do we? Yeah, we do...


Hello all... First, you may wonder, "WTC is Team NSIDER???" Well, it's my team! It's here: http://s9.invisionfree.com/Team_NSIDER/index.php Anyways, Team NSIDER is PWNING NEWBS!!! We are teh roxors!!! We've PWNED Chuck Norris, our fair share of drunk monkeys and many other various people/things... Well, actually we haven't... Yet... BUT WE WILL!!! To do so though, we need MORE MEMBERS! Yes, we are PWNSOME ALREADY, but we can be even more PWNSOME WITH MORE PEOPLE! Yes, not meaning to advertise, but it's true. We like having other gamers on our side and whoever's reading that's NOT A NEWB can join. You see, there's too many forums with flaming and spamming which I'm sick of, but Team NSIDER resolves that issue. Yeah, it's a pretty fun place. You can make friends and post about a large variety of topics. As we get more members, we will start to do contests and events in which you can win cool stuff. Yes, we're PWNSOME... Sorry about advertising, but... THIS IS MY PAGE!!! What are you gonna' do about it fool? Huh? Huh? What're you gonna' do? NOTHING!!! 'Cuz we're better than you!!! HAHAHA! LOL JK Just join us, our forums rock and I've spent hours on them. Thanks for wasting your time on this article and join us to compensate your loss of life by like, five minutes if you know how to read good and like, twenty minutes if you can't read. ;)

The Killer Lizards of the Sewers


Hey everyone. It's gettin' gangsta up in hea'! LOL JK I'm going into the sewers to confront the evil killer lizards in the sewers. Yes, it's true. I'm bringing a katana, a pistol and... Errr, a laptop! Yeah, I'm typing this in Junkosoft Word. Well, by the time I post it, it's already been typed, so scratch that. Anyways, yeah, I'm confronting them... In the sewers... Yeah. Here I go... Okay... Ummmmm... (opens lid to sewers and goes in) Alright, I'm in now. WTC is that!?!?!?! In the corner! You see it! Oh wait, screw it... You don't... Oh well. There's something, no several things in the corner that appear to be lizards... In the sewers... With knives... Oh, the killer lizards! Wait, they're getting closer and they're holding something else instead of knives! Guns? No. Something else. Ah! Wait a second, they're making a fire. And they have... Teapots? What? These aren't killer lizards, they're wimpy little sissy lizards! Well screw this whole freaking trip. No wait, now they have knives. They look pretty ticked. It'd surely stink to be the guy they're gonna' try and kill... Wait a second... They're ticked... At me??? For calling them sissy lizards?!?!?!? AHHHHHHHH!!! (I run out of the sewers quickly) Well, that concludes that adventure. C'ya later!

The Real Reason LOZ Twilight Princess is Being Delayed


Many of you have been wondering, "WTC is taking so long for LOZ:TP to come out?" well, I have the truth. Some of you think, for more depth, more levels, a second disc and maybe even a major problem, but those are all wrong! You see, Dr.Evil's son, Scotty Evil has become evil (as seen in Austin Powers 3) and as an evil fiend, has been continuously stealing the new LOZ game from shipment trucks! The faulty release dates are the date they expect the game to be out of Scotty's clutches and the shipment trucks will be able to safely deliver the games. Why he wants the games? Of course, to get in on the best game ever of course! However, he only has a replica of the "Great Grapejuice Spewer" so he also has to steal a real console to play it! However, the console is fake so, he has to buy one at Poop or Other Mart! That's that, the truth!

The Chicken and Dumplings Meal... OF DOOM!!!


Hello everyone, I'm reporting from a school cafeteria in the middle of nowhere, or Cuba... Maybe somewhere in California designed to look like Cuba... Anyways, today they're serving... CHICKEN AND DUMPLINGS! Yes, as much as I love chicken and dumplings, these of the cafeteria... ARE TERRIBLE! People are spewing stupid juice from their cologne brand it tastes so bad. Yes, how I despise them... Ewewwwww... They... Smell... Like... FLOWERS!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! WE'RE ALL GONNA' DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! IT BURNS! IT BURNS! Hey, people found the black pepper and they say they taste "really good" now. Well, I'm going to make mine, "really good" now so c'ya later!

People Fling Poop At Monkeys?!?!?!?


Hey everyone... I'm a little disturbed right now... Yeah, monkeys are out of their cages, doing nothing... While people... Are in the monkey cages... Flinging poop at the monkeys... Yeah, it's really weird... And creepy. I think I'll blwagarfleplast... Whatever that means... I saw it in a movie once... Actually, I'm lying... I didn't. Well, see you homies... Don't worry... I won't fling any poo... I'm just gonna' go home... The zoo is NOT for people to be the animals... Oh great, the clown here is joining in the poo flingin' fun... SAVE ME!!! Oh wait, that's right... I'm going home...

Hulk On Steroids


Research on the Hulk's DNA has recently lead to a conclusion! The Hulk, is on steroids! Yes, Bruce Banner, the Hulk has been taking cheap steroids with expensive wine to balance the cheapness out. The green color comes from SOME gamma radiation, he wasn't exposed to that much. The hangover from the wine is what makes him in pain and angry. Lastly, obviously the steroids are what makes him muscular and strong. With this information, we are now able to end his reign of terror and put him in jail... If he doesn't kill the officers first. Bruce Banner/The Hulk has been charged with murder, dognapping, making the dog pee on fire hydrants across America, dealing poopiuana, attempted murder, running away from an officer, drinking while driving, calling a dude he thought he knew but didn't really know him Steve and making Poopelodeon play reruns of Animatrix.

Ninjas Spotted In Hyrule Castle!


Recently, some ninjas have been spotted in Hyrule Castle! By the time some guy wearing a green dress named Link got there on his stupid horse, they escaped. Not only that, but the ninjas stole the Great Gravy and the Pimpmobile! For hours, he pondered what to do next, but then WHAM! It hit him... LITERALLY! The ninjas came back for the Camera Without Film, but Link sprang into action and tickled them... With his sword... And made the spew Kool-Aid! Yes, and the residents of Hyrule feasted upon the Kool-Aid, as if beef-lovers would on a cow... Oh yeah, the cows are on strike and are saying in their native language, "Eat more chicken or we'll poke you... WITH STICKS... OF DOOM!!!". Well, they WERE on strike... Because of their threats, they were thrown into a jail next to a slaughter-house and their execution will be soon... Like, tomorrow. Beef lovers will be happy. As for the ninjas... They look kind've... Errrr, dead as of now... Yeah, happy ending. WHY MUST THE NINJAS DIE! NINJAS PWN! Poor ninjas... Yet, Link is cool too... Hmmmmm... PEACE OUT!

Kbrd Brkn


Hy evryon, m kbord's brkn. Jus kiding, LOL. It isn't. I lied. Okay? Get over it. HAHAHAHAHA!!! Well, that was a waste of typing. Oh well...

YL's Did You Knows


Hey everyone, this is my "did you know" section to see if you know stuff... DYK1.Did you know a bunghole is a hole in a barrel?

DYK2.Did you know a bung is a stopper for a bunghole?

DYK3.Did you know something is nothing sometimes, yet nothing is sometimes something, yet nothing is usually nothing and something is usually something. However, in a certain circumstance, the two can change places, making them the opposite of themselves. Did you get all that? LOL

DYK4.Did you know monkeys know sign language and fling poo?

DYK5.Did you know elephants are afraid of small rodents such as mice?

DYK6.Did you know I shocked myself with an XBOX plug once? I felt my finger vibrate and it sort've hurt. Afterwards, it was pretty cool.

DYK7.Did you know that videogames helped teach me how to read when I was younger? I'm refferring to Mario games on the SNES.

DYK8.Did you know that it is possible to NOT get stung by a bee and make contact with it? I once pet one in my elementary school courtyard after school. It was soft and fuzzy.

DYK9.Did you know that you probably didn't know most of those things?

DYK10.Did you know this is the last did you know? If you said yes, you're correct!

I'm Trying This Whole Slang Thing


Yo SHAWTEH! W'sup? I'z in da' hizzouse! I mean, I wuz jus' in da' neighbahood, drinkin' ma' juice, not bein' a menace and da' gool nex' doar be all li', "Yo, qui' bein' a menace!" an I be al' li',"Foo', I'm not bein' a menace!" and 'den we start rappin' lik' ther' b' no tumerro'! Peace out homies... Well, email me on how I did with the whole slang thing!

Nothing to Do


Hey everyone, I have NOTHING to do so I'm typing this... Yet I don't know why... I'm BORED! Give me something to do by emailing me. I need to know people ARE ACTUALLY READING THIS!!!

My Inspirations


Hey everyone. There are a few things that inspire me to write all of this. 1.Strong Bad and Strong Bad Emails on www.homestarrunner.com 2.Anything random 3.Funny stuff 4.My friends... That's all that really inspires me to do my work! Oh wait, don't forget being bored! You all know my secrets now, so go and make funny and pointless articles for entertainment!

Old and New


Hey, almost everything time based before this post is officially out of date, so don't flame me. Haven't updated in a while. The link to the newest version of Team NSIDER (which is now Team NSIDER 3) is www.teamnsider3.co.nr K', thanks for reading!