W.r.t. my contribution

Action World Model


was suggested the deletion, as follows: {{dated prod|concern = appears to be [[WP:NOR|original research]]|month = June|day = 30|year = 2009|time = 22:06|timestamp = 20090630220632}} <!-- Do not use the "dated prod" template directly; the above line is generated by "subst:prod|reason" -->

- My opinion: The contribution isn't original research. It is a resume, so good and general understandable as me possible, of the contense of the original research quoted,

- Landgraf, Werner: Welt und Wirkungsprinzip. Rio de Janeiro 1997, Bibl.Nac. Escr.Dir.Aut. 135068 - 7781/1997

- The research was published long time ago. It was also discused in academic circles. It's essentially about space separations, like f.ex. black holes. The theory is very good 'understandable' and clear, a simple and working model also for describing the properties of the start of the cosmos, and probably correct - but as we cannot yet produce black holes in laboratories, not experimentally verificable (however much less hypothetical and suspect as other cosmological models). It treats only the first few Planck-Times of the world - then, it agrees with the 'normal' physics. No error was found yet in the theory. I think after 12 years its good to publish the resume, which first give an alternative 'idea'/imaging/model 'easily understandable for everybody' about the properties of the start of the cosmos, second which can initiate other discusion and science about the matter and about the model.

- At the same time, perhaps the form or some itens of the wiki article can be improved or clarified, and the english improved. Wait we further suggestions.