JoeM, you're doing a great job making Republicans look bad. Grow up. No editor is more radical than you are. You won't find anyone's rants on George Bush concerning his cocaine use like you have made concerning Clinton's pot use. Are you really too dense to realize that you were banned not because you are a conservative, but because you contribute absolutely no factual information to Wikipedia, but instead lecture readers about why people in countries other than America are inferior? There are many conservatives on Wikipedia, but unlike you they contribute facts to articles and let the readers make thier own judgements. That's the difference between a normal user and a mentally-defective individual such as yourself. Oh, one more thing: please don't upload any more pictures of you disgracing the American flag by putting your filthy hands on it. --NoPetrol 07:23, 6 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Judeo-Christian values my ass!


It seems, JoeM, that you are a fan of attacking politicians who you disagree with by saying that their policies are a "break from Judeo-Christian values".

"In another huge break with Judeo-Christian values (which allowed the West led by America to invent democracy, capitalism, freedom, industrial technology, information technology, defeat evil time and time again, while Muslims are inclined toward dictatorships and terrorism, the collectivist Chinese gravitate toward infanticide and Communist totalitarianism, the Indians swim in filthy rivers to get better and pray to elephant statues, and the African societies are ripe with tribalism and cannibalism)..." [1]

Yeah. That's what you put on Jean Chrétien's article and on Howard Dean's article. Look, I hate to break it to you, because this is supposed to be the job of your teachers or history books, but since you are obviously lacking in education (probably because you refuse to attend school because you consider it a socialist institution), I'm going to spell it out for you: AMERICA WAS NOT FOUNDED BY CHRISTIANS, AND WAS NOT DEVELOPED BY CHRISTIANS! George Washington was a Diest, so was Thomas Jefferson (who said that "Christianity is the most perverted system that ever shone on man", and also that “Christianity neither is, nor ever was a part of the common law"), along with about half of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. You could learn something by studying America's founding fathers, and I think you would find that they wouldn't like you very much.

It wasn't just our founding fathers who weren't Christian; you also mention how Judeo-Christian values led to the invention of industrial technology and information technology? You've got a pretty impressive collection of bullshit there. Christianity has done nothing but hinder scientific advancement, from the outlawing of discussion about the possibility that the world was round during the time of Leonardo Da Vinci (who was, by the way, a Pagan), to the current hindrance of medical discovery for the sake of protecting microscopic goo. You know, JoeM, or Infinate justice, or whatever the hell your name is now, none of the great thinkers of this or any time was a Christian. Einstein, Heisenberg, Fermat, Hawking: they all think Christianity is crap. So why don't you think before criticizing Howard Dean or that Chrétien guy, whoever the hell he is, for not adhering to Judeo-Christian values, because according to the real inventors of Democracy, that's a good thing.

--NoPetrol 07:47, 12 Dec 2004 (UTC)

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03:40, 20 March 2015 (UTC)



20:30, 22 April 2015 (UTC)