Supahunk is a member of the enormous community of Internet Web surfers. The nickname originated on February 27, 1999 when a then school-aged boy created it on the Yahoo! community and in Westwood Chat, the multiplayer-game host for Westwood Studios. His creation of the name directly stems from his interest in a certain Supachick he found while playing the immensely popular real time strategy game Red Alert.

Supahunk Heavy Industries


Late in 1999, Supahunk launched Supahunk Heavy Industries, a web-based design service. The company thrived until the end of the dot-com boom, which it narrowly managed to get in on. The company was revived in mid 2003 and has a steady customer base to this day.

CMoTech, Inc.


In 2004, to meet the demands of the emerging technologies industry, Supahunk launched CMoTech, Inc. Carrying his namesake, the company continues to provide on-demand service in emerging technology and design.


Since the name, CMoTech, Inc. actually belongs to another company, Supahunk created the website carrying his name: He provides Web design solutions.
