Chula Kamma Vibhanga Sutta


Chula Kamma Vibhanga Sutta (Majjima Nikaya – Upari Pannasakaya)

   * Why do people die immature?
   * Why do some people fall ill often?
   * Why do people look ugly?
   * Why are some people isolated?
   * What is the reason for some people in this world to be rich and some others to be poor?
   * Why can’t the caste system be abolished?
Todeyya Brahmin’s son –Subha

One day when the Enlightened One, Gauthama Buddha was sojourning at Seweth Nuwara Jethavanaramaya, the son of Brahmin named, Thodeyya came to visit the Enlightened One. Although this young man, Subha had met the Buddha earlier he had not acquainted with Him and had not taken refuge in Him.

After salutary greetings the young man made inquiries from the Buddha.

“The people who live in this world are not similar in all respects. Some people live long lives while some others die immature. Similarly some people are physically healthy whereas some others fall ill often. Some people are elegant and handsome while some others are not pleasing being deformed and ugly. Some people are wealthy and happy having lot of friends and well wishers. Many others are poor and wretched. There are fortunate people born to noble families. Some others are looked down upon having been born as outcasts. Some people are wise and intelligent but at the same time there are stupid ones too. What are the reasons for these differences?

The Enlightened One responded.

“Virtuous young man, in a word or two it is the cause and effect, and it is nothing but one’s own Karma. In a way Karma is like a relative of any human being. Karma is the cause for all ups and downs.”

The young man, Subha who was listening to the Enlightened One attentively said

“Venerable Sir I could not grasp to my entire satisfaction the explanation you have given in a nutshell. Hence may I please request your Honour to give a detailed account of the admonition?”

The Enlightened One said that He was pleased to explain matters in detail.

“If so, virtuous Subha, Listen to me. I shall explain matters in detail. So saying, the Exalted One preached Dharma to all present including the young man Subha.

Why do people die immature?

In this world there are wrathful people (both men and women) with weapons in their blood stained hands. They kill animals without any compassion towards them. People who live in this manner are born in the hell after death. If they return to the world of men by any chance later in the Samsara they die immature.

There are some others in this world who refrain from killing animals. They do not use weapons to kill animals. They who are compassionate towards animals feel shy and embarrassed to kill animals. By virtue of the Karma accumulated by being kind to animals they are born in the celestial world after death and live in comfort. If they come back to the world of men later in the course transmigration they live long lives.

Why do some people fall ill often?

In this world there are people who are cruel and unkind. Animals are tortured by them. These people afflict pain animals by assaulting them with their fists, stones and rods. As a result of the Karma accumulated in this manner they are born in the hell and suffer pain bodily as well as mentally. If they come back to this world by any chance they suffer much by falling ill often.

There are some others in this world who refrain from afflicting pain on animals. By virtue of the Karma accumulated by being kind to animals they are born in the happy state or heaven after death. If they come back to this world later they live healthy lives.

Why do people look ugly?

There are some people in this world who are always in a state of enmity. They get angry for simple reasons. The vicious are dear to them. They are always in tension being hard hearted. Due to the sins accumulated in this manner they are born in the hell after death. If they come back to this world by any chance they will not be pleasant having deformed bodies with unpleasant complexion.

There are some others in this world whose wishes are to attain the state of calm. They do not get angry over the wrong words or deeds of others whether the circumstances are simple or serious. They forgive others for their mistakes. In anger or ill will they do not wish any harm to others. Their thoughts of boundless love pervade the whole world. Due to the merits accumulated in this manner they are born in the celestial world after death and enjoy the bliss of comfort. If they are born in his world they will be endowed with pleasant bodily complexion.

Why are some people isolated?

There are some people in this world who are envious of the success of others. They do not wish to see their counterparts enjoying comforts in life. They hate the honours and hospitality paid to others. They are jealous of gains, fame, celebrity and reverence enjoyed by others. Such people are always restless and worried. Due to the Karma accumulated in this manner they are born in hell after death. If they return to this world again they will be with little power and will be isolated from the rest of the society.

There are some others in this world who are not jealous of the well being of others, they feel happy over the success of the others. They feel pity on the sufferings of others, As a result of merits accumulated in this manner they are born in the heaven after death and enjoy comforts as celestial beings. If they return to this world again they develop leadership qualities and will be blessed with a large retinue.

What is the reason for some people in this world to be rich and some others to be poor?

Some people in this world are misers. They are covetous. They do not like to offer food clothing, medicines etc. to the clergy, the poor and the needy. They do not like to part with even a small portion of the large amount of wealth they possess. They even prevent others from making offerings to the needy. Due to the Karma accumulated in this manner such people are born in the hell after death. In subsequent lives they are born in the world of men to poor families without proper meals, clothes and places to live in.

Some other people in this world are dedicated to make offerings. They are not misers. They like to offer to the needy what ever they can afford. They feel happy by making such offerings. |As a result of such offerings they are born in the celestial world. If they are born in this world again they will be endowed with money and all other comforts such as shelter, vehicles, servants etc.

Why can’t the caste system be abolished?

There are some people in this world who do not pay respect to those who deserve it. They are arrogant and do not honour the clergy and those who are worthy of honour. As a result of the Karma accumulated in this manner they will suffer in the hell and whenever they return to this world they will be born as members low caste families.

There are others in this world who honour those who are worthy of honour. They are humble in their dealings with others. As a result of the merits accumulated in this manner they are born in the celestial world. If they return to the world of men again they will be born in respectable families as nobles and will be wise and prudent.

Those who do not realize their ignorance

Some people in this world think that they know everything. They are under the impression that they have nothing more to learn. They do not consult the Maha Sangha to lean about merits and demerits, good and evil, morals and de morals etc. They are not aware of their ignorance. Due to the accumulation of Kamma by behaving in this manner they are born in the hell and if ever they return to this world they are born stupid and wretched.

There are some others who visit the Maha Sangha and seek advice regarding matters in which they have little knowledge. They engage in religious discussions in due season and learn about good and evil to set themselves in the right course. They learn to differentiate between the good and the evil and concentrate on meritorious actions. Thus they accumulate merit and are born in the celestial world after death. When they return back to this world they are born prudent and become eminent in wisdom.

The Enlightened One addressed Subha,

“Virtuous young Subha, Thus every living being is the result of one’s own Karma. Past Karma conditions the present birth and the present karma in combination with past Karma conditions the future. Karma is the relative of every living being and is the chief cause for the inequality of mankind, one to be rich and noble and the other to be poor and wretched.”

Subha was delighted, “Oh the Blessed One, It is marvelous, I have realized very clearly the causes for the inequality of mankind. Things that had been concealed in me so far are now very clear to me. The Blessed One has enlightened me as in the case of a person showing the way to someone who was left in the lurch, like some one who lights a lamp to enable those in the dark to see things clearly. From now on I take refuge in Buddha, His doctrine, Dhamma and His followers, Maha Sangha.

Sadhu….. Sadhu…..Sadhu…..