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Thanks, Oiyarbepsy (talk) 02:31, 31 October 2014 (UTC)Reply

85 or 86


Hello, a number of editors have changed '86-year old' to '85-year old', in describing the murdered priest in Normandy. Just to let you know that Gdn, Figaro, and BBC all say 86, only NYT, I think, says 85. We would need to find updated sources if these three are incorrect. Pincrete (talk) 10:20, 27 July 2016 (UTC)Reply

Actually you're right (if DoB is correct), unfortunately we have to go with sources. Hope they correct soon. Some countries count age differently, on the first day of your life you are 1 yr old (ie in your first year), I don't know if that is true of France, but I would have expected Gdn and BBC to understand such matters. Pincrete (talk) 13:10, 27 July 2016 (UTC)Reply
BTW, you were correct, Gdn has now corrected and article and refs are updated. By chance, the 'critically injured parishioner', WAS 86, possibly the root of the initial error. Pincrete (talk) 13:14, 28 July 2016 (UTC)Reply