Sevabharathi Tamilnadu is a movement for Service. The basic inspiration is derived from the significant saying of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa 'Shiva Bhave Jiva Seva', which inspired Swami Vivekananda to proclaim, “Serve man as the manifestation of God”. All Service rendered through Sevabharathi is ultimately aimed not only at eradicating the physical and other deprivations, but also at instilling in every person a sense of Self respect, Self confidence and Self reliance. This paves the way to establish a Modern, Progressive, Egalitarian Society where every person would feel happy and equal in all respects as a member of one national family, contributing his or her own share for the all-round development of our Motherland EDUCATION Free Tuition Centres Sevabharathi Tamilnadu conducts free tuition centres in backward areas and slums catering to the needs of students from backward, most backward and economically weaker sections. Suitably educated/qualified volunteers take the classes for 2 hours daily in the evening. Six days in a week during the academic year. The Volunteers of Sevabharathi Tamilnadu conducts such 150 free Tuition Centres all over northern parts of Tamilnadu.

Cultural Classes Sevabharathi Tamilnadu feels it is essential to impart education to the younger generation based on our traditional values. It runs Cultural Classes for boys and girls for two hours every week, This helps the children to grow up as righteous human beings and patriotic citizens. The effect of the cultural classes has been heart-warming. The exemplary behavior of these children has won the appreciation of parents and school teachers alike

Mobile library Free Mobile Library are being run by Sevabharathi Tamilnadu. Books on spiritual, cultural, historical and patriotic topics are available in these libraries. Written in simple language, these books suit the needs of the rural people.


Tailoring Centres Sevabharathi Tamilnadu runs tailoring centres for the empowerment of women. In this centre, tailoring skills are imparted free of cost. Every centre Three to Six Tailoring machines are available. These tailoring classes enable women in these rural areas to earn on their own, making them self-confident and self dependent.

Computer Centres Free Computer Training Centres are run by Sevabharathi Tamilnadu in rural areas and slums. They focus on youngsters who are unable to pursue their higher studies or meet vocational training costs at professional institutes. These computer coaching centres equip them for better job oppourtunities. Each centre has between three and six computers. In a centre with three computers, around 70 students are trained daily across multiple shifts.

Self Help Groups Women play a vital role in the economic well being of the family and the society. To fully empower them for a such a role, Sevabharathi Tamilnadu sponsors self help groups for women. It is a unique initiative driven by a vision that extends beyond economic welfare. To start with, Sevabharathi provides training for the women to manufacture household items etc. This enables women and their families to escape from the clutches of poverty and makes them financially self supporting.

Vocational Training Sevabharathi Tamilnadu conducts vocational training classes in rural areas. People are trained in doll-making, preparation of soaps and detergents and making other common household items. Such training helps rural people earn a decent living. Sevabharathi also helps those who wish to start their own enterprise by recommending their case to financial institutions. In a few cases, assistance is also provided for marketing and selling the products.


‘Anbu Illam’ (Orphanage Centre)

Sevabharathi Tamilnadu provides shelter and care for needy children. These centres are called as Anbu Illams Abodes of Love and not as orphanages. Any visitor would be astonished to find that an Anbu Illam is only a big family and not a hostel or an orphanage. This is the unique approach of Sevabharathi towards unsupported children.After their basic education is completed, depending on each person’s inclination, Sevabharathi Tamilnadu sends them for higher studies, or helps them secure a proper employment, and gets them married suitably.

Children’s Small Saving Centres We have always believed in spending carefully and saving regularly. In order to incalcuate the habit of saving in our children, Sevabharathi Tamilnadu Promotes Children’s Small Savings Schemes. Each child is issued a Savings Card (Passbook) and encouraged to deposit a small amount every week. The money that a child ‘deposits’ is reordered in his or her personal ‘passbook’. The amount saved by each child is peridocially returned in cash. This cash is used for their educational purposes.


In order to create awareness among public, Sevabhathi, as a part of Swatch Bharat programme cleanined various public places like Railway Stations, Bus Stands, Govt. Schools etc. As a no Plastic and cleanliness movement, Sevabharathi has campaigned in various places. Cadres done door to door campaign explaining the dangerous of using plastic materials.

Deepa Pooja Women play a major role in safeguarding our culture and heritage. Deepa Pooja act as a means to upholding our cultural traditions and to create social awareness in the minds of women.Women participated in large numbers in these poojas, cutting across barriers of caste and economic status. This results in the natural integration of the society.


Free Mobile Medical Units Sevabharathi Tamilnadu has been operating two Mobile Medical Units one for North Chennai and another for South Chennai covering 24 slums. The project which employees a qualified Medical Doctor, Nurse, Pharmacist, Medical Co-ordinator and driver has been improving the basic primary health care in the area of operation and also helping the seriously ill patients by referring them to Government Hospitals. Through the project we are creating health and Hygiene awareness among the slum people. An average 120 people getting benefited daily. Regularly we provide special medical camp.

Yoga Theraphy Centre At Sevabharthi Office, Yoga Theraphy Centre started on Sep 2017. Here through simple equipments yoga practice. Treatment is given for Back pain, Neck pain, shoulder pain, sugar, Blood Pressure and Asthma. Everyday about 25 persons are getting benefitted.

Neuro Therapy Centres Neurotherapy is an alternative therapy system developed by Dr. Lajpath Roy Mehra of Mumbai. There are no medicines or injections in this system. Thus, there are no side effects. Neurotherapy activates the internal organs of the human body. This helps the body to produce the required chemicals by itself to cure the ailments. Sevabharathi Tamilnadu runs several Neurotherapy Health Care Centres separately for men and women. Sevabharathi Tamilnadu conducts 35 Neurotheraphy centres in all over the Tamilnadu.

Blood Bank Sevabharathi Tamilnadu affiliated trust running a blood bank at Salem in the name of Sivaramji Blood Bank for the last 15 years.


Tsunami 2004 Rescue, Relief and Rehabilitaion Immediately after the Tsunami struck the coastline of Tamilnadu in December 2004, over 3,300 Sevabharathi volunteers plunged into rescue, relief and rehabilitation activities to provide succor to the affected families.115 persons were rescued before the debris could claim their lives. 3,600 dead bodies - most of them decomposed – were removed and cremated with dignity. Sevabharathi Tamilnadu has constructed more than 850 permanent houses for the affected families.

Chennai Flood Rescue, Relief and Rehabilitation RSS and Sevabharathi Volunteers rendered services in November 2015 Chennai Floods. People were quickly rescued from flood affected areas, Around 5,500 volunteers plugged into service. Nearly 1,350 persons were rescued by us. We distributed 21.60 Lakh food pockets, 12.50 Lakh Water Bottles to the effected persons. We have distributed relief kits to 1,75,250 houses.

food and clothes were provided to them. Help was extended to those who had lost their only of means of livelihood.We run one main centre and 118 sub centres around Chennai. Around 5,500 volunteers plugged into service. Nearly 1,350 persons were rescued by us. We distributed 21.60 Lakh food pockets, 12.50 Lakh Water Bottles to the effected persons. We have distributed relief kits to 1,75,250 houses. We provided more than 150 Wheel Chairs, Artificial leg for the differently abled persons.