The Horned Viber Snake is located in the Saraha Desert,The largest desert of the world. l of these snakes are fairly small (well under a meter), come in almost any color your heart can desire as long as it's sand, rust, brown, or gray, each perfectly matched to the local desert background; all have heavily keeled scales, utilized by most of them to produce loud rasping noises when they wind their coils against each other; most burrow into the sand where they lurk in ambush for their prey; most move across their sandy substrate by sidewinding; a great majority have horns or horn-like scales above their eyes, which gives them a uniquely ornate appearance; most have an irascible temperament and many are highly toxic. Some have black tail-tips with which they lure their lizard prey to within striking range. They can bit REALLY deep in your skin.They are posinus.