about the war WW2 When war broke out in 1939 Newfoundland and Labrador was in financial straits unemployment was rampant and government spending that year exceeded its income by more than $4 million. Widespread poverty and destitution in high rates of tuberculosis, malnutrition, and infant mortality which the country poorly funded health system could do little to combat, because the commission had little money to spend on roads or telecommunication, many rural residents were rural residents were isolated from other communities and practiced a way of life that had remained largely unchanged for generations. The establishment of Canadian and American bases in the early 1940s however sparked an economic revival in Newfoundland and Labrador as millions of foreign dollars were poured into the local economy. The commission which in 1841 reported a surplus for the first time in years suddenly possessed ample resources to initiate much needed social reforms. In August 1942 it made school attendance mandatory and free of charge for children between the ages of seven and 14. It also created a labour relations office to protect the interest of Newfoundland and Labrador contract workers being recruited by North Americans employers. Although he commission increased spending on health care communication and transportation it was the United States and Canadian armed forces that make the largest contributions in these spheres. The Americans helped modernize the island communications system by installing aerial cables from st. John to Stephenville reconstructed the 54 mile highway between holy rood and Argentina and helped upgrade the Newfoundland railway whitebourne to Argentina track. They also made various health services available to the public during the and later turned over to civilian use their hospitals at forgo island goose bay Pleasantville and other areas. The first German serviceman killed in the war was killed by the Japanese. The first Americans serviceman killed was killed by a Russians. Over 100,000 allied bomber crewmen were killed over Europe. More US servicemen died in the air corps that the Marine Corps. Polish catholic midwife stanislawa leszcynska delivered 3,000 babies at the Auschwitz concentration camp during the holocaust in occupied Poland. In World War 2 British soldiers got a ration of three sheets of toilet paper a day. Americans got 22. In 1941 more than 3 million cars were manufactured in the US. Only 139 more were made during the entire war. Four of every five German soldiers killed in the war died on the eastern front. Only 20% of the males born in the Soviet Union in 1923 survived the war. In the world war

2 the youngest serviceman in the US military was Calvin Graham age 12. Graham lied about his age when he enlisted in the US navy. His real age was not discovered after he as wounded.

Only one out of every four men serving on U boats survived The siege of Stalingrad resulted in more Russian deaths (military and civilian) than the US and Britain sustained (combined) in all of the World War 2. To avoid using the German sounding name hamburger during world 2 Americans used the name liberty steak Adolf Hitler nephew William Hitler served in the US navy during World War 2 Adolph Hitler and Henry Ford each kept a framed picture of the other on his desk The cultural There is a wide range of ways which people represented World War II popular cultural. Many workers were created the years of conflict and many more have arisen from that period of world of history. The costume what they had

The music they had Many people in the war listened to radio and long playing records en masse. By 1940, 96.2% of North-eastern American urban households had radio. The lowest American demographic to embrace mass distributed music, Southern rural families, still had 1 radio for every two households. I think that i chosed this topic because you remember the people died in the war.

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