Riis. Just regarding your edits on the Root of all Evil documentary. Here are the comments in question (you can see the whole thing here here [1][roughly 5 minutes in]):

Haggard: But, you see, you do understand. You do understand that this issue right here of intellectual arrogance is the reason why people like you have a difficult problem with people of faith. I don't communicate an air of superiority over the people because I know so much more. And if you only read the books that I knew, and if you only, knew the scientists I knew, then you would be great like me.

It was haggard who claimed to "know so much more" and it was Haggard who said "then you would be great like me". -- 03:19, 31 October 2006 (UTC)Reply

Edits to Root of all Evil


Perception is a peculiar thing in that people can hear the same thing but come to two very different conclusions. My opinion, which is all that I can offer, is that Haggard was speaking facetiously, as if to demonstrate how arrogant Dawkins was coming across.