
Welcome to wikipedia! You might be interested in the Wikipedia:Wikipedians/Singapore and theWikipedia:SGpedians' notice board, so do drop a note there when you can! ;)--Huaiwei 14:36, 2 May 2005 (UTC)Reply

Image:RJC.jpg edit

RichardLu — In case you aren't aware, there has been a significant change in policy. Images that do not have proper copyright information may be deleted within 7 days of uploading. I am bringing this to your attention, because you have uploaded an image, Image:RJC.jpg, which does not have any copyright information. If you do not insert any copyright information within the next few days, this image may be deleted. If you have any questions on how to insert this information, please visit my talk page. Ral315 21:55, 17 September 2005 (UTC) Ral315 23:27, 17 September 2005 (UTC)Reply