English Super Saiyan 10% Forme Japanese (kanji- hiragana) 超(スーパー)サイヤ人(じん)・10%フォルム

Japanese (rōmaji) Sūpā Saiya-jin 10% Forme Japanese (translated) Super Saiyan (10% Form) English (Alternate) Super Saiyan (10% Completion) Super Saiyan: 2nd Grade (超サイヤ人・第2段階, Super Saiyan dai ni-dankai) Attribute Description When an emergency occurs, this form can take action separately from Zygarde 50% Forme, which comprises its main body. It has just a single Core performing the functions of its brain, so it can only maintain this form for a short period of time.

During battle, it overwhelms foes with its sharp fangs. When running all out, its speed exceeds 60 mph.

Thousand Arrows is a move that only Zygarde can learn. It’s a Ground-type move, but it can do damage even to Flying types and Pokémon with the Levitate Ability. After being hit by this move, Flying types and Pokémon with the Levitate Ability will also continue to take damage from other Ground-type moves used in subsequent turns.

Thousand Waves is also a move that only Zygarde can learn. This move makes it impossible for an opponent to flee or be swapped out of battle.

English Super Saiyan 50% Forme Japanese (kanji- hiragana) 超(スーパー)サイヤ人(じん)・50%フォルム

Japanese (rōmaji) Sūpā Saiya-jin 50% Forme Japanese (translated) Super Saiyan (50% Form) English (Alternate) Super Saiyan (50% Completion) Attribute Abilities Aura Break Description --

English Super Saiyan Complete Forme Japanese (kanji- hiragana) 超(スーパー)サイヤ人(じん)・パーフェクトフォルム

Japanese (rōmaji) Sūpā Saiya-jin Perfect Forme Japanese (translated) Super Saiyan (Perfect Form) English (Alternate) Super Saiyan Perfect Forme Attribute Description The Super Saiyan’s completed form, specialized for battle. enabling to fight with its full power and fulfill its duty of protecting the Pokémon ecosystem.

After consuming the Saiyan Fruit Oozarupple, the Super Saiyan form evolves into a Neo Super Saiyan; inheriting all of the natural abilities of a native, pure-breed Saiyan by altering their entire cellular structure into Zenkai Cells.

Saiyan (サイヤ人) Great Monkey (大猿, Ōzaru): a primal reversion using an ancient transformation. Saiyans that have undergone Primal Reversion are distinguished by the word "Primal" in front of their species name. It is similar to Mega Evolution, but, instead of using the energy of people and Pokémon, the user instead absorbs the energy of nature to greatly increase its power. Primal Reversion is said to restore the true powers of a Pokémon. Super Saiyan (Japanese: 超(スーパー)サイヤ人(じん), sūpā saiya-jin) Original Super Saiyan (初代の超サイヤ人, shodai no sūpā saiya-jin) Super Saiyan: Gold (超サイヤ人·ゴールド) Super Saiyan: Gold Burst Mode (超サイヤ人・ゴールドバーストモード) Super Saiyan: 2nd Grade (超サイヤ人・第2段階, sūpā saiya-jin dai ni-dankai) Super Saiyan: 3rd Grade (超サイヤ人・第3段階, sūpā saiya-jin dai san-dankai) Cyber Super Saiyan (サイバー超(スーパー)サイヤ人(じん), saibā sūpā saiya-jin) Legendary Super Saiyan (伝説(でんせつ)の超(スーパー)サイヤ人(じん), densetsu no sūpā saiya-jin) Super Saiyan 2 (超(スーパー)サイヤ人(じん)2) Super Saiyan 3 (超(スーパー)サイヤ人(じん)3) Super Saiyan God (超(スーパー)サイヤ人(じん) ゴッド) Super Saiyan God: Red (超(スーパー)サイヤ人(じん) ゴッド·レッド) Saiyan that has Surpassed “God” (神を超えたサイヤ人, kami wo koete saiya-jin) Super Saiyan God: Super Saiyan (超(スーパー)サイヤ人(じん)ゴッド·超(スーパー)サイヤ人(じん)) Super Saiyan God: Blue (超(スーパー)サイヤ人(じん)ゴッド·ブルー) Neo Super Saiyan (新(しん)・超(スーパー)サイヤ人(じん)) Super Saiyan Beast (超(スーパー)サイヤ人(じん)・ビースト) Super Saiyan Gigant (超(スーパー)サイヤ人(じん)・ギガント) Super Saiyan Giant (超(スーパー)サイヤ人(じん): 巨人(きょじん), “sūpā saiya-jin: kyojin”) Cho Super Saiyan (超スーパーサイヤ人) Super Saiyan Dark (超(スーパー)サイヤ人(じん): 闇(やみ), “sūpā saiya-jin: yami”)

Super Saiyan type α 【超サイヤ人 type α】 A Super Saiyan type a whose has lost its logic center, being incapable of logical reasoning or showing mercy, only seeking self-preservation Super Saiyan type Ω 【超サイヤ人 type Ω】: A transformed Saiyan, with

形体(けいたい) ‎(jp: keitai na: form, gestalt)

超(スーパー)サイヤ人(じん)・孫 悟空 Super Saiyan Son Goku

Saiyans experience a biological phenomenon known as Zenkai Boosts, which causes the Saiyan’s physiology and psychology to develop adaptation to combat threats or changes. This causes the biological structure of the Saiyan to mutate in numerous ways, objectively resulting in enhanced physiological changes.

In other bio-organisms, the chemical is commonly responsible for the genesis of latent super-powers. This hormone is referred to as the Zenkailin. Possession of a Meta-Gene does not automatically equate to an individual being gifted with super-powers however. Sometimes possession of the Meta-Gene enables human beings to survive what would otherwise be considered fatal circumstances, thereby allowing external forces to prompt a physiological change which may generate super-powers. In such cases, their bodies immediately begin a complex chemical-extra-physical process that transforms them into Super Saiyans, the full manifestation of the Zenkai Cells and the most suitable form capable of tolerating such a massive resource.

Saiyans can survive in extreme environments thanks to highly efficient adaptive cells called "Zenkai Cells" (全開細胞, zenkai saibō; full-throttle cells). These cells possess extraordinary adaptive radiation ability which enables the Saiyan to immediately adapt to a variety of energy fields and radiation as well as sudden/severe environmental changes to ensure the Saiyan host's survival via accelerated molecular repair and adaption of the Saiyan's vital functions and fitness. Saiyans continually train their bodies in a variety of harsh environments and conditions for their Zenkai Cells to adapt to. These cells also display an unusual influence over their host when in a presence of favorable energy fields and environments. Prolonged exposure in these conditions result in a "Zenkai Boost" (全開ブースト, maximal boost)--a biological phenomenon that changes many aspects of the Saiyan’s biological system, including the repurposing and/or rearranging of organs. Besides increasing the powers which awards greater boosts to performance stats, even bonus abilities, following complete adaption. Zenkai Boosts act as a measurement to determine a Saiyan's power class--the higher the number, the higher the class.

Zenkai Cells also possess a secondary, but far more versatile function in the form of "Mighty Energy" (強大のエネルギー, kyōdai no enerugī). This is a highly pliable energy field, fueled by a Saiyan's overwhelming desire to dominate their rivals. This biological power source resides within every living Saiyan and fuels the various super-abilities and functions a Saiyan develops. In this capacity, it can be analogous to gasoline. However, developing the capability for full emission is something most Saiyans barely manage to achieve. That being said, only the most powerful and mightiest of Saiyans warriors have been able to properly manipulate it. And even fewer proved proficient enough to command their Mighty Energy beyond the instinctual level. True mastery requires dedicated conscious effort and mind-numbing concentration. But once mastered, a Saiyan can achieve a variety of high-level metaphysical feats, including energy projection and constructs (some of which defy the very laws of physics to a degree).

It should be noted that however useful, Zenkai Cells have their limitations. Zenkai Cells have extraordinarily high energy demands, so beneficiaries frequently consume very high calorie meals, to stave off muscle atrophy. Their strength and regenerative capabilities are dependent upon the Saiyan's caloric intake and their mental state and fortitude; so training to heighten and strengthen neural-cellular communication through mental fortitude can vastly improve the effectiveness and efficiency in the regulation and versatility of energy Zenkai Cells expend.

Super Saiyans (超サイヤ人) Super Saiyans are members of the Saiyan race who have naturally developed an advanced biological function that enables them to consciously trigger a complex chemical-extra-physical process which alters their physiology to a meta-class physiology. A Saiyan will usually develop this ability after 1,000 Zenkai Boosts, at which point their body would be in the proper condition to successfully complete the process.

Native Saiyan: Inhabits the Saiyan homeworld. G-Saiyan: Reprocessed and bred within Grand Galactica as military force. No knowledge of actual, native Saiyan culture.

The Super Saiyans originated from the Saiyan homeland, and were the key subjects in the Grand Galactica’s bio-weapons program. After millennia of careful observation and extensive breeding, Grand Galactica had successfully raised their ideal specimens for direct experimentation. These Saiyans were subjected to genetic modifications, which released their full biological potential and allowed them to transform. But following this achievement, however, Grand Galatica quickly abandoned the project after their newly engineered Super Saiyan went rogue. Following this catastrophic incident, all G-Saiyans were processed with genetic limiters to disable this ability.

While only a minority of mankind had been 'zoaformed', The Uranus were said to be highly pleased with their Zoanoid creations, but after the Guyver-Zero incident, nevertheless abandoned them and attempted to destroy them.

Though particular aspects of the powers they'll generate during meta-manifestation are largely psychologically-based, the Super Saiyan ability, by definition, alters and enhances physical existing characteristics and capacities exponentially, while also awarding them such powers as:

Super Saiyans possess... • Supernatural Condition • Advanced adaptive regeneration • Adaptive Power-Level • Ability Learning • Supernatural Combat • Transformation

After the transformation, the Saiyan will notice tremendous improvement in their energy efficiency thanks to the hyper-active Zenkai Cells boosting normal cellular capacity by 67%, allowing the Saiyan to exert maximum effort for extended durations as well as tremendously higher resilience. A 25% increase in muscle mass awards the Saiyan a bonus 42% increase in strength and speed, allowing for increased physical performance with lower energy expenditures than before. Performance from their modified musculature exceeds 70% under most battlefield conditions and is able to generate up to 450N of force and up to 10,000G of contractile acceleration.

The transformation also enhances the Saiyan's natural ability to absorb energy from a myriad of sources including radiation, static, kinetic, and even carbon released by rotting corpses. They also generate a subtle gravimetric field which decreases their body weight by half, thus increasing their speed and agility even further.

The Super Saiyan possesses an incredible level of supernatural physical ability. Their capacity for physical strength is potentially limitless due to the fact that their strength increases proportionally to the quality of their Zenkai Cells, in particular the number of Zenkai Boosts.

Super Saiyans are capable of a variety of extraordinary feats using their supernatural strength. Their supernaturally strong leg muscles can propel them over hundreds of miles, including into Earth's orbit, in a single bound. In that same capacity, they can also achieve supernatural running speeds, although his legs have limitless strength he does not have limitless speed and once he reaches a certain speed his legs become too strong and destroy the ground giving him no friction to run on, therefore he jumps to travel. Even the average Super Saiyan can create shock waves by slam their hands together; these shock waves can deafen people, send objects flying and extinguish fires. This "thunderclap" has been compared to hurricanes and sonic booms. Super Saiyans have shown a high resistance to physical damage nearly regardless of the cause, and has also shown increased resistance to extreme temperatures, mind control, nuclear explosions, poisons, and all diseases. In addition to the regeneration of limbs, vital organs, and damaged or destroyed areas of tissue at an amazing rate, Super Saiyans also possess supernatural endurance. Their body also has a gland that makes an "oxygenated per fluorocarbon emulsion", which creates


Super Saiyan: Complete Form Sūpā Saiya-jin: Perfected Form Also known as Super Saiyan Gold (Japanese: 超サイヤ人·ゴールド), this is a Saiyan who has been empower by the Zenkai Force generated by their Zenkai Cells. Generates the Zenkai Force, causing a mild physical changes with considerable biological enhancements. Each form of Super Saiyan has its own special abilities and methods of attack. The Prime Forme is able to communicate with other Primes and Zenkai Cells via telepathy. Its 10% Forme has razor-sharp teeth and can reach speeds up to 60 mph (100 km/h). Zygarde Complete Forme is said to exceed both Xerneas and Yveltal in power, possessing 100% of its total cells. Zygarde only enters Complete Forme when the ecosystem is under threat and the Zygarde believes it is outmatched. The Super Saiyan State functions primarily as a defense mechanism, designed to empower the Saiyan with the skills and knowledge contained within their genetic code to ensure survival. The glow is the combination of all your past lives, focusing their energy through your body. In the Avatar State, you are at your most powerful, but you are also at your most vulnerable. If you are killed in the Avatar State, the reincarnation cycle will be broken and the Avatar will cease to exist. The strongest and most powerful ability that a Saiayn can invoke is the Super Saiyan State. It is an unique ability acquired through evolutionary development. The first Super Saiyan emerged when Subject Zero permanently bonded with Raava by touching the energy coming through the spirit portal during the Harmonic Convergence in 9,829 BG. It allows the Avatar to channel vast cosmic energies and the knowledge of previous Avatars, granting them superhuman strength and allowing for the ability to perform especially powerful and extraordinary feats of bending. The Avatar may unconsciously enter the State in response to perception of mortal danger, utilizing the State as a defense mechanism, or emotional distress. While in the State, the Avatar has access to bending techniques that may have not yet been learned in their current lifetime, but has no conscious control over the resulting actions, which can cause great collateral damage. An Avatar with full mastery of the Avatar State has conscious control over the State and can enter and exit it at will. It was by entering the Avatar State reflexively that Aang was able to freeze himself and Appa inside an iceberg for a hundred years by using a combination of airbending and waterbending. He did not physically age at all during the century, as he was in suspended animation, but it took a great physical toll on his body after being in the Avatar State for such an extended period of time. While in the Avatar State, the Avatar's eyes glow, as do any markings following chi paths along the body, such as Air Nomad tattoos; however, if the body has received an injury deeper than the tattoos, that specific area will not glow in the State. The white glow is the result of Raava's spirit in the Avatar, resulting in the combination of all the Avatar's past lives focusing their energy through a single body. When Aang spoke in the Avatar State, his voice encompassed a combination of several different voices at once. When Korra spoke in the Avatar State, her voice was simultaneously encompassed with Raava's.

超(スーパー)サイヤ人(じん) 2(ツー)

Super Saiyan 2 Sūpā Saiya-jin Tsū A Super Saiyan 2 is exponentially stronger than a perfected Super Saiyan, possessing strength sufficent enough to lift and toss weights in excess of 895.8 quintillion metric tons (with relative effort), as proven when Gohan tossed Perfect Cell whose weight had been augmented by his gravitational amplification powers. This feat is actually an act of variable gravitation manipulation, which is this form’s special ability. This ability explains why a Super Saiyan 2 can neutralize most physical impacts. But even without this ability, Super Saiyan 2s are durable enough to withstand impacts within the range of 895.8 exatons.

超(スーパー)サイヤ人(じん) 3(スリー)

Super Saiyan 3 Sūpā Saiya-jin Sūri The form of a Super Saiyan after consuming the Saiyan Fruit, Oozapple –native only to habitate of the Saiyan homeworld, thought to have been long extinct along with the planet.

しんスーパーサイヤじん Shin Sūpā Saiya-jin Neo Super Saiyan Recognized as the “true evolution of a pure-breed Super Saiyan”, this version of the Super Saiyan possesses an unique physiology apart from a Super Saiyan 3 that allows the Saiyan to Mega/Zenkai Evolve without a Zenkai Stone. Inside the Neo Super Saiyan's body lies an organ that contains the same power as a Zenkai Stone. Capsule Corporation scientist named this organ the Zenkai Organ (Japanese: 全開器官). By consuming meteoroids as it flies through the stratosphere, the zenkai organ will be filled with enough energy to enable the Neo Super Sayan's Mega Evolution.(THINK MEGA RAYQUAZA)

Name (NA): Son Goku (Go Dōgi) Name (JP): 孫 悟空 (悟 道着) Name (NA): Super Saiyan Son Goku Name (JP): 超サイヤ人・孫 悟空 Level: 7✪ Attributes: • Incalculable strength potential • Employs powerful qì-based techniques • Capable of morphing into stronger forms • Increased metabolism and homeostasis • Susceptible to psionic-based, psychological attack • This card is also known as "Son Goku the New-Age Super Saiyan".

Ōgi (奥義): Secret Techniques. While normally interpreted as a defensive discipline, Enbu's true strength is expressed offensive techniques. This becomes evident once an Enbu practitioner masters the higher levels of the art. In principle, by applying the newly achieved co-operative strength of the body's unified cells, the capabilities of the practitioner are obviously amplified well beyond what they could normally achieve without the practice of Enbu. Secret techniques are no different from any other technique or action except that these moves are powered by every single cell composing the body -- approximately 60 trillion -- working in unison in order to perform an attack, each cell's individual energy combines to perform a single attack with immense amounts of energy being released.

English -- Japanese (kanji- hiragana) 殺(さい)界(かい)風(ふう)破(は)斬(ざん)

Japanese (rōmaji) Sakkai Fuhazan Japanese (translated) Killing Field Wind Breaking Slash Attribute [HIGH] [DMG on BLOCK] [] Description --

English -- Japanese (kanji- hiragana) 殺(さい)界(かい)風(ふう)破(は)斬(ざん)

Japanese (rōmaji) Sakkai Fuhazan Japanese (translated) Killing Field Wind Breaking Slash Attribute Description --

最大(さいだい)界(かい)王(おう)拳(けん) Saidai Kaiō-ken Maximum World King Fist

拡散(かくさん)型 Kakusan-Gata Scattered Type

集中(しゅうちゅう)型 Shūchū-Gata Concentrated Type

銀河(ぎんが)かめはめ波(は) Ginga Kamehameha Galaxy Kamehameha This Planet Burst-class, directed energy focus technique fired as a high-yield beam.

界(かい)王(おう)拳(けん)・超(ちょう)全開(ぜんかい)かめはめ波(は) Kaiōken: Chō Zenkai Kamehameha King Kai's Fist: Super Full-throttle Kamehameha This Planet Burst-class, directed energy focus technique fired as a high-yield beam.

界(かい)王(おう)拳(けん)・超(ちょう)大(おお)猿(さる)かめはめ砲(ほう) Kaiōken: Chō Ōzaru Kamehame-Hō King Kai's Fist: Super Great Monkey's Kamehame-Cannon

元気(げんき)玉(だま) Genkidama

界(かい)王(おう)拳(けん)奥義(おうぎ)・元気(げんき)拳(けん) Kaiōken Ōgi: Genkiken This technique is an advanced version of the traditional Genkidama technique. By using the third level of Ryuusei Seikuken to draw in the opponent's movements and control the flow of their Ki, Kenichi attacks the opponent with Mubyoshi at point blank range. Thanks to the usage of Ryuusei Seikuken, this technique gains the added effect of reversing the Ki flow of the opponent as they are hit, which actually healed and stabilized the damage done to Kajima Satomi's body from using the Shinogidachi and Kai Shinogidachi techniques.

流(りゅう)水(すい)制(せい)空(くう)圏(けん)第(だい)一(いち)・第(だい)ニ(に)・第(だい)三(さん) Ryūsui Seikūken Daiichi, Daini, and Daisan

光線(こうせん) Kōsen

Instant Transmission (瞬間移動, Shunkan Idō; lit. "Instantaneous Movement", also translated as "Teleportation") is a technique for traveling long distances instantly. This action is usually accompanied by the user placing his index and middle fingers on his forehead to help him concentrate, though if extra time is taken the technique can be performed without this aid. It was taught to Goku when he was on Planet Yardrat after his deadly battle with Frieza.

When utilizing Instant Transmission, the user is transported across a dimensional subspace as an electromagnetic wave where intercepted by a tuned receiving antenna then drop out of it somewhere else by locking onto ki. If two users of Instant Transmission enter the zone they are capable of interacting with each other. The teleportation zone is seen in Dragon Ball Z: The Return of Cooler, where Goku and Meta-Cooler both enter the zone and fight each other, it is also briefly seen in Dragon Ball Z: Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan, where Goku uses it to get to the South Section.

Anoyo Kara Shunkan Ido

是空掌 Ze Kūshō Noble Void Palm This technique enables Goku to annihilate matter and energy within a projected barrier space via space depletion.

幻影界王拳 Gen'ei Kaioken Goku transfers his physical form into a adjacent dimension, becoming intangible for up to 5 minutes. This allows him to occupy space without physical form.

Transferring the tangible body through the fourth dimension and into a dimensional void, while the visual left in the third dimension is intangible.

【風水エンジン type α】 【化殺襲】

Tyrant Rave ver. α Tyrant Rave ver. β Tyrant Rave ver. Ω

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