With the grace of Allah I'm go'na to deliver the resolution of stability of Pakistan(resolution Istehkam-e-Pakistan)after 70 years of the resolution of Pakistan 23rd march 1940. Syed Ali Raza (chairman tehreek-e-Istehkam-e-Pakistan)

Pakistan came into being 14th of august 1947.In these 64 years we've gained and lost a lot of things but our destiny is still far away.Always,international conspiracies have made un stable the most important country(Pakistan) of the region.We've all natural resources, we have four seasons and we've fair and hard working people instead of this our people are facing a lot of problems. Energy crisis , unemployment , distrustful political conditions and bomb blasting are destroying our peace and calm. It feels that a traveler has lost his way but he is trying to fast and fast , but he is not finding a way to anywhere. Although Pakistani bankers, industerlists, doctors, engineers, scientists have proved their abilities and whole world have admired them. Unfortunately , when these people enter in Pakistan present system does not improve and admire their abilities. Corruption is not only swallowing our dreams but it has become a constant source of danger in future for our new generation. In such a situation those moments remember when resolution of Pakistan had delivered in Lahore. According that resolution ,two main nations of subcontinent had their own identification especially Muslims of subcontinent wanted a separate homeland because they did not want to destroy their culture and religion traditions. So, after lot of scarifications we achieved Pakistan but it is a sadfull fact that now Pakistanis are weeping, sobbing and bearing unbearable troubles. Instead of this our people are very patriot. They get nothing except lame promises of the rulers. Greedy rulers are swallowing the rights of innocent people. This situation has created a great disappointment for all Pakistanis. People want the solutions of their problems. But how? It is a question which rise in minds. It needs that we should try to solve the problems without any discrimination. We should try to know the reasons of poverty instead finding the poor. We should develop the economy but without our interest. We can bring all these reforms but under a strong and fair leadership. Our leaders have no care and love for the people , they've no interest to solve the problems of common man but they make marries and enjoy their lives under those resources which are the right of common man. We should not see the corruption , We should try to wipeout the reasons of corruption. To solve these problems Tehreek-e-Istehkam-e-Pakistan held a Istehkam-e-Pakistan conferencein Al-Hamra 2.In this conference , chairman tehreek-e-Istehkam-e-Pakistan Syed Ali Raza ,chief justice(Retd.)Mian Allah Nawaz, Brg.Farooq , Khalid Ahmad, Najeeb Ahmad, Prof.Arshad Shaheen , M.nadeem bhatti, Rehmat-u-llah javed, Dr.Syed Shabih-ul-hassn , mrs.nargis zaman, Miss nighat gill, miss Lubna hussain shah,Mehr shahbaz,Tanveer hussain,Mian shabir Ahmad,Saleem butt,Dr.Kashif,Alama Ibtasam ilahi Zaheer , Alama dr.Raghib Naeemi, Molana Rashid bhatti, azhar masood bhatti,Tasneem Noorani,Shazia fahd,Roobinas Ashraf,Kanwal Naseer(MPA),Mian Kamran saif,Yousaf daryab,Dr.Shahid Raza and other scholars, poets, writers, critics, columnists, Industrialists,Traders, Bur crates, Lawyers and actors participated in this conference. This splendid conference started with the verses of Holy Quran & Naat-e-Rasool(SAW). Dr.Ahsan (Editor daily Abtak/Dir.Abtak Tv chanle)delivered reception speech. All scholars and others agreed and praised the ideology of Syed ali raza. They believed that extra protocol of the rulers are not good and it is destroying trust of the people. Syed Ali Raza(chairman Tehreek-e-Istehkam-e-Pakistan)delivered the resolution of tehreek-e-Istehkam-ePakistan after 70 years , the resolution of Pakistan 23rd march 1940. The important clauses of tehreek-e-istehkam-e-Pakistan are: Equality: If we want to run a democratic system then we should abolish the inequality.

               The rights of ruler and public are same and equal. All Pakistanis are equal. The rulers will choose the national (local) hospitals for treatment and their children will get education from Pakistani institutions because all Pakistanis are equal.

Free Judicial: Judicial will free for every decision. It will not be possible to capture

                            the judicial system. We'll make such policies in which judicial will be free from all political pressures. We'll not be appoint such a person as justice who belong with any political party.

Education: We'll bring reforms in education and the budget of education will increase

                      100% in two years. We'll establish vocational institutions. We'll build universities. We'll introduce latest educational system. The poor and the rich will have same opportunities. We'll provide free education till metric. For higher education, we'll announce scholarships for needy, orphans and talented students.

Health: We'll work in health department on emergency basis.We'll have to increase100%

             Health budget so that every Pakistani have the right of free treatment. Government will send the doctors to other countries for learning latest methods of treatment.

Reconstruction of Institutions: Public service system will introduce to abolish the

                                                             bur crates system. We'll introduce new system for police. We'll make profitable those institutions which are running in loss. Responsible authorities who will not full fill the targets. We'll send them homes with golden shake hand.

Peace: To finish the terrorism we'll gather all Maktaba fikron single plate form. We'll

             Abolish in inferior complex in the people and improve their lives to provide them opportunities to earn the livelihood.

Unemployment: Latest education will be given by the youngsters to get good jobs.

                                We'll train them from school level. It is  necessary to finish the 'cota isam' on constant basis. New public service system will be established thus we'll provide the rights of youngsters.

Provisional freedom: it is necessary to establish new provinces for better

                                          Management. It will help to improve the national unity. Provinces will be free and roility will be given the provinces on minerals.

Economy: All minerals and natural resources of Pakistan will be used in next 5 years.

                    We'll make such policies the price of dollar will be reduced. The debts will be paid in ten years. The wages will be given weekly basis instead of monthly base.

Self Respect & human rights: Every Pakistani will have same rights like

                                                           American citizens in America or British citizens in Britain. We'll be given proper representation of women in every place. We'll be given complete freedom by the minorities and no one will be permitted to exploit their rights.

Price Control: We'll introduce price control act It will manage the prices of goods in

                             Every where will have to same without permition of  regulatory authorities the prices of goods can not be increased.

Industry & agriculture: Pakistan industry will make with latest equipments. New

                                               Industries will be given relaxation in taxation and electricity will be provided free for a year. The providence of gas will make sure. The resources of raw material will be produced in Pakistan. The stability of Pakistan industry,

The expenditure of import will be reduced export will be increased. Land reforms will be done, freedom will be given by the farmers. Their standard of wages will make equal to urban laborers. Loans will be provided but without any interest. All this will be done for the prosperity of the farmers. Latest technology will be provided to plough. Foreign policy: We'll make brotherhood relations with all countries but will have

                               equal status for Pakistan's better reputation, it will reconstructed the system of ambassadors. They will have to play important role in our economy.

Kashmir & Jonnah garrh: Kashmir is the part of Pakistan. We'll do every thing

                                                     make every thing  to make it our part. For the justice of Jonnah garrh's people we'll fight the case state of jonnah garrh.

Responsibilities of rulers: Allah is the greatest ruler and Quaid-e-Azam will be

                                                   Considered the head of state. We'll have to adopt simplicity and follow the Quaid's words. VIP culture will have abolished. Rulers will have responsible for every bagger and unemployed. The rulers will not be elected more than 2 times and he will not be appointed for any high post.                  

Energy Crisis: It will be taken radical steps to solve electricity and gas

                         crisis. Load shading will be ended in 2 years. Alternative resources will be introduced and also introduced latest system in which we can call help to china and Iran. 

Accountability: It will be done accountability be returned back which have been looted for 64 years. The lands which are allated with out merit will be taken back the debtors will have paid debts/loans to banks. Democracy is a name of serving not ruling present system does not match with quaid e Azam is images (Dreams) and principals syed Ali Raza chairman Pakistan Tehreek e Lstehkam . The people cannot be serves who live in big bang laws and police circle. The servant of public can just call, who live among the people, with the people and pass their lives like public. Balance system of ruling is established in country politician's rule of posts while burcracy and police is constant owner. Just he can do successful politics that has ability to control DCO and DPO in district. Just he can solve the problems of country. Whose life is a part of these problems, the people who get education and take treatment from foreign countries, who pass life luxuriously, They do not know how will have solve the problems ? and neither they are struggling to solve the problems . The fruits of democracy will reach to common man just that time when every Pakistani will have same honor like American citizen has in America and British citizen has in Britain. VIP culture, extra protocol and destruction of government institutions have spoiled the face of Pakistan. Common citizen has not self respect. Young generations have much talent but they are seeing to wards with great tension. We have been destroying our selves for 64 years and now we are destroying the future of new generation. Corruption is being produced to give the greed of government jobs. Few people have been looting the country badly since 1947. Pakistanis are very hard working and honest, they can get success on whole world as the basis of there abilities, just they should have opportunities. The country which have gold, cooper, salt, cool and other uncountable natural minerals in great quality instead of this, that country made its economic policies under the international institutions, it is very painful. Intelligent people run the country's matters in progressive countries, who devote best part of their lives for serving their country to make this action success full, it is made democratic system. After passing the centuries man has known this point those problems of people solve the GOVT. for this purpose people choose their representative with their own will and choice and this representative can solve the problems in better way. Infact

to success of this, two element are very important 1st  is sense of people and 2nd is envoirment to flourish the democratic values. These both elements have not been available so far since 1947. Because army dictators tried many times to kill these elements for ruling although their efforts did not success comete but their efforts produced in democratic culture. Now a days, our electronic and print media are free and the people who belong it, they have positive sense and working hard day and night to develop the democratic culture. It is great full that under these circumstances, Pakistanis have built their standard in every department (field) and they have produced the power to complete with every nation. They have proved best themselves in sports and Pakistanis solders have won the admiration of the world. It is true that it is a lighted point about the future of Pakistan but unfortunately we have become to prey in such national deaseses which have made ill body to healthy nation. Poverty, unemployment, high prices, corruption, caste, language and provisional thinking have captured us badly. Pakistan came in to being The basis two nations theory. It was purpose that Muslims would have their free Islamic state and they would have pass their live with relaxation according their customs and traditions. There fore, Quaid-e-azam  had choosed democracy for Pakistan and beauty of democracy appears in opposing while power of democracy lies in numbers for the success. struggles have been consider important. When society struggle to get the goals of progress from their initial stage, their travle increase more and more. Character, action, vision and leader ship are such qualities develop the man and make him great but absence of these elements, destroy man’s life. Pakistan have Potentional and have great power which are being run the matters instead of difficult conditions and not creat disappointment while experience and thick and thin conditions are such element which make a man Ideal. Conditions teach well that is why it is called world is your best teacher. We have patriot and quality able personalities in our country who are source of constant happiness because state forward people speak truth always, although such people are very short in numbers, particularly in these conditions when morality and patience are not available. No doubt we listen sweet words and see good style now and then and when we meet such persons, we feel well .If we consider then we know that these words have experience of years and sensibility also prominent. Other side if we see unprogressive societies we feel the people are revised their words in same style which do not create effect we have been captured in awagon since 64 years. Now, we are going to meet you with such a great personality in “Abtak special” in his heart beats Pakistan and sorrow of nation is running in his vains like blood. He is patriot and wants to improve the country and he has devoted himself for the county. The name of this great personality is Syed Ali Raza (chairman Tehreek-e-Istehkam-e-Pakistan). He told to the team of daily Abtak that we had achieved Pakistan in 14th of August 1947 but construction of country is still incomplete. When will it complete? It’s answer is “Tehreek-e-Isthkam-e-Pakistan” as a chairman Tehreek-e-Pakistan. I’m hope full that if we make few basic changes in Pakistani system and design to run the management in proper sequence there is no reason, why Pakistan is not consider in best countries? and why not Pakistan nation is include in the progressive nation. We do not want government we just want change, we have not greed of posts we just want the respect of nation we do not want politics, we just want peace full eradicate so that we may be save our country and maybe find the prosperity because today every Pakistani is asking that when will Pakistani be prosper? When law will rule over in our country? When will establish peace? Gold cooper and salt stores when will come in use? When will electricity avail complete and cheap? When will act upon the slogan freedom of women? When will labourers get respect according to international standard? When VIP culture and protocol be ended? When will public release from bad behave of govt. Institutation ? These question are raising in the mind of every patriot Pakistani? Specifically, the Pakistani who live in foreign countries always ask such a question to me. I think it is possible to solves all problems. Just to solve these problems it is need pure heart and struggle to right side. In fact democracy is the name of serving not ruling present system does not match with images and principles of Quaid-e-Azam. Resolution  of Pakistan delivered in Lahore on the basis of two nation theory at 23rd march 1940. According that resolution muslims had need separate home land to survive their identification with the grace of Allah this dream, this resolution converted into reality with the grace of Allah Pakistan came into being 14th of August 1947 that we had need to sacrficiance, love and devotion to achieve Pakistan. Today ,the time is to build the country with same devotion that time nation was begging separate home land and begging their right. New generation is asking what will you leave inharritage for us? And when till we tell them the stories of past? When till we lect them to sacrifice? When will come that day, when we will give them bright future? When will we lect them to walk that way which will lead you towards goal of selfmade. So, after resolution of Pakistan, resolution of Isthkam-e-Pakistan has become the biggest need of this time with  the grace of Allah I am going to deliver this resolution after 70 years the resolution of Pakistan. Because people can not be served who live in big bang laws and police circle. The servant of public can just call who live among the people, with the people and pass their lives like public. Remember It is an important point of our social life. Inequality has produced so deep problems that the basis of society has become weak. Belance system of ruling is established in country politician’s rule of post while bur cracy and police are constant owner of the country. Just he can do successful politics who has ability to control DCO and DPO in district. Just a family members have many important posts and they are looting country which is not fair and it is great injustice he can solve the problems of country, whose life is part of these problems the people who get education and take treatment from foreign countries who pass the life luxuriously, they do not know how will have solve the problems? And neither they are struggling to solve the problems.

Rulers have their separate life than the public. The 18 hours loading of electricity and high prices of essentials have disturbed the public. It is very dreadful situation which is a constant source of pain for patriot Pakistani. Corruption is being produced to give the greed of jobs. Few people have been looting the country badly since 1947.Pakistan are Very hard working and honest. They can get success in whole world as the basis of their Abilities just they should have Opportunities. The country which have gold ,cooper, salt coal and other uncountable natuarl,minirals in great quantity instead of this, that country made its economic polices under the international institutions, it is very painful.VIP culture extra protocol and destruction of government institution have spoiled the face of Pakistan .Common citizen has no self respect. It is claim every day that democracy is a welfare for common man but I say that the fruits of democracy will reach to common man just that time when every Pakistani will have same honor like American citizen has in America and British citizen has in Brittan. Allatment and cotaisam has spread such a Distraction that” Al- Aman, Alhafeez”.The meaning of “coat isam”just looking. The meaning of allotment to sell the country on very cheap rafes.It is necessary o build new Provinces.Otherwise,we can not establish law and order there are a lot of baggers in our country rulers are responsible of every bagger. It is duty of the rulers to abolish the begging and poverty. Our new generation are very talented but they are looking toward us with hopeless eyes. We have been destroyed ourselves for 64 years and now we are destroying The future of our generation. We will take oath that our country is to dear us like our home, then we can hope that we will change the system. Price control act should be introduced to manage or control the price at same level in every where. Terrorism also Destroyed the country but I believe in Allah and also believe in nation we will face all the challenges.So,I Say surely, if we destroy VIP culture then we will get success law which Is equal for everyone otherwise It will not call the law. Tehree-K-e Istehkam-e-Pakistan Will break the chains of saervantiship and it will make Pakistan stable in every Way (InsAllalah)