Social problems in India


India become independent 15th August 1947 after a long struggle against the British government .Now our country is a sovereign, socialist , secular, democratic, republic .Though India is growing in every field, yet there are many problems also.

       this problem hindrance in in rapid growth of the country .They also affect social life this problem are mainly poverty, population,illiteracy, corruption, casteism ,communilism, inequality, gender discrimination unemployment terrorism naxalism  etc. This problem disrupt the balance of a a social environment .They undermine our development and progress. 
                 some of this problem are age old and some are  recently created but all they are interrelated. If we try to find poverty and see unemployment, we will see that the vast population  and corruption are there main reasons. poverty is also an outcome of long time enslavedness of our country again the population and corruption intern caused  by illiteracy and unawareness of our people. some social issues like gender discrimination and inequality, casteism  are orthodox. They are coming from a long time as a consequence of old social  structure and narrow minded thoughts religion and linguistic difference in India is root of communal in harmony and riots  .Thus  we see that  there  are many social problems which are  hindrance to all around  growth of our country. It is our responsibility to recognise them and take some initiative  to remove them. We must discourage the wrong practice ,which causes the problems and at the same time we have to encourage the positive steps, even they  very small .people's should   try to be positive thinker. Thus the problem of social problem in India may be solved.           
                                     Written by
                  - Aman Kumar  Holy (Prince Vadik )
                              Sahibganj  Jharkhand Prince vadik (talk) 05:37, 13 April 2019 (UTC)Reply