The images


Hello, Popi80323, I saw your recent edits on the images regarding Liancourt rocks. I initially thought you're an administrator, but you don't. I didn't fully attention to interpret each image, so some of images themselves can be evidences because of the publication date. I didn't know the old Japanese calendar like 明治 14 equal to ac 1881, so maps along with the published year can be saved from the deletion. (I didn't realize until now)

However, your edits couldn't be helpful because you seem to create your account today with the nationality tag of Hong Kong (you may have double citizenship of China and Britain, but that is not a point), and that looks suspicious. I concern about that you can be accused of using socket puppet due to the edits. I assume you have a good faith, but we need to seek for verifiable texts with exact or compatible images for them impeding to be deleted. Or the images have published year, you can just describe specific info for the images. Thanks.--Appletrees 17:57, 31 October 2007 (UTC)Reply

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