Yassi Ada is an island off the coast of Bodrum, Turkey which is something called Flat Island. This area of the Mediterranean Sea is prone to strong winds making a save journey around the island difficult. The island could be called a shipwrecks graveyard due to the vast amount of wrecked ships off it's south-eastern tip. Three wreck sites have been excavated under the direction of George bass. The first wreck to be studied using archaeological techniques is a fourth-century Byzantine vessel. The second is a seventh-century Byzantine wreck, and the third is a sixteenth-century Ottoman wreck. Bass received funding for summer excavation at the site from the University Museum of University of Pennsylvania and National Geographic.

4th Century shipwreck


Island Description Yassi Ada is an island which is situated between Turgutreis and the Greek Island of Pserimo. It measures 200 metres by 150 metres with an elevation of 11 metres. The dangerous reef in the area that catch sailors by surprise can be found 200 metres SW from the island. Several vessels can be found in this area as they crashed into the unexpected reef. Vessels from a range of decades and thus styles can be found in near the reef. Ship material is sometimes visible on top of the reef since it rises three meteres from the surface of the water.

Field Work The University of Museum of University of Pennsylvania under director George Bass excavated a shipwreck site near the Yassi Ada island in 1967 and 1969. This expedition was funded by the museum and National Geographic. A few students from the university joined the team along with an architect and a physician. The main site under excavation is the fourth-century vessel that is 19 metres in length. It lies between 36 and 42 metres below the sea and 100 metres south of Yassi Ada island. It’s hull was made of cypress, and the keel made of white oak.

The seventh-century vessel lays near the reef with one end protruding over top another vessel. This site was excavated for the 1967 summer season. In that time, the hull was discovered, but no cargo was found at the site. The hull did contain a variety of glazed bowls; three of those bowls were identical in design. They were light green on the outside, and the base was a brown unglazed appearance. Another bowl had a tulip design on at the bottom. In the surrounding sand yet another bowl was discovered with a peculiar rim that resembled a pie crust. This bowl was plain on the outside and had a green glaze inside. The sternpost of the vessel also held some archaeological evidence to the date of the site. A silver coin with the inscription Philip III of Spain was found at the sternpost.

Dating Method Artefacts were used to date the shipwreck including the shapes of lamps discovered at the site. The construction of plank for this particluar vessel also aided in dating the wreck site. The plank were connected by mortise and tenon pattern leaving the planks farther apart than apparent in older vessels. Later vessels, used unpegged joints which are not present on this ship; therefore, the date of the sunken ship can be placed between the dates based on plank construction. The vessel was determined to be from fourth-century.

Archaeological Finds Other finds for the site include 1,100 amphoras that appeared in three different styles. The first style can be described as well-fired in texture and reddish-brown in color. These amphoras were estimated at 37-40 litres. Their bodies have horizontal lines as a pattern, but the belly is plain and low. The handles are decorated with three lines and are attached just below the lip of the amphoras. The second style is similar in pattern and design to the first style listed above; however, it’s body is more cylindrically shaped. And, it’s hanldes attached on the neck rather than on the lip as seen in style one. The third style is the smallest of the three types of amphoras found at this site. It was estimated to be around 13.7-14.4 litres. It’s base is round in design with a button in the centre. The color is an orange-brown clay.

Byzantine Trade History Trade with the East became important to received materials which were seen as necessities in the Byzantine Empire. This Empire had three main trades routes ranging from quickest to safest. The quickest route took sailors through Sogdiana to Persia then to the Empire. The second quickest route goes from the Indian Ocean to the Red Sea. The third and finally route, was the longest and safest route. The Byzantine Empire often had conflicts with Persia, so this routes by-passes Persia land to prevent sunken or attacked Byzantine ships. It went from Central Asia to Caspian to the Black Sea which allowed no contact with Persia; however, some caravans loaded with silk would pass through Persia to reach the Empire.The trade with Persians was risky due to the “..frequent wars between Byzantine and Persia Roman commerce suffered heavily both through the interpretation of communication and through the raising of the price of raw material” (Baynes p209). In towns that were in direct war with the Persia, the price for raw material was high, and the finished product would cost even more than in other cities. In the sixth-century, the Empire retrieved sandal wood, aloes, and silk from Ceylon as trade with India and Ethiopia was the main business in this part of the world. During this time, they also traded for copper in Kalliana;raw material and labor came from the North.

Even though the Empire saw difficult times in the seventh-century, the trade industry continued. Food, commodities, and other items were sold at a fixed price to prevent rival to the ruler and government which is the first one part of the constitution. This part also allowed citizens to purchase basic necessities at a reasonable and affordable price. Another part, sought to protect producers by eliminates vertical monopoly (Browning p107). The distribution of work was equally divided amongst all members which allowed for a lower competition rate. The third part to the constitution, claims private produces only receive aid from family member some might also have slaves to help in the business. These businesses sold directly to the customers, and they had a smaller group of customers when compared to the other markets. The private producer would produce items for himself and his family.

During this time,Constantinople especially continued their trade with Africa during these times while other Alexandrian ships began to reach places as West as Britain. The Empire had certain laws pertaining to trade and sailing. One of these law which grew out of the custom of mariners regulation (Baynes 218), restricted ships to sail in the winter months. Later, sailing was suspended for four months between November and March, because the Empire was worried about several dangers including as listed: pirates, land-robbers, and ships on fire. Byzantine ships provided aid to each other and would sail; they would sail beside a another for this soul purpose. They also began to bring onboard armed men for further protection. Another law claims lent money for a vessel does not have to be returned if that vessel is lost or destroyed (Byanes p 219). The Byzantine Empire had a vast vast trade route, and the government issued laws to protect their merchant and business citizens by providing route options for safety and protection methods.