Talk page.



Could you please explain, on the talk page of pH, why you think that is disputed? Yes, there has been discussions, but as I see it, there is quite clear cconsensus of what pH is, and thus it is not disputed. Please explain why, or remove the dipsuted tag. vidarlo 10:46, 28 July 2006 (UTC)Reply

from the pH talk page:
I removed "potential hydrogen" from the first sentence. Users must read the entire paragraph to find out the literal meaning of p and H, if there is one. There must be a better layout for this.--Merlin002 11:36, 26 July 2006 (UTC)Hal Avisado
since potential hydrogen isn't the literal meaning of pH, I removed it from the first sentence. Thank you for reminding me to remove the disputed tag. I forgot to remove it after deleting the term "potential hydrogen from the first sentence.--Merlin002 02:39, 29 July 2006 (UTC)Reply