User talk:Marudubshinki/Archive 4

to American English; "regardless" is actually the correct form. ;)– --Mipadi July 4, 2005 03:21 (UTC)

Aye, I know. I changed it for stylistic reasons- imagine you arereading the article, and a horde of anon.s are trying to edit it inyour mouth, do you want to be saying regardless or irregardless! ? Which one sounds more emphatic?--Maru 4 July 2005 03:34 (UTC)

Excellent work on the References section of List of Star Warsplanets! – Mipadi July 8, 2005 00:41 (UTC)

Thanks; nice to know someone noticed. But as they say at funerals,"Don't send flowers, send edits!".
...Or something like that. --Maru 8 July 200501:07 (UTC)
I'll work on it. :) I've had to go to this pesky thing called"work" lately, which puts a real damper on my free time. –Mipadi July 8, 2005 01:38 (UTC)
/nods head sagely. Yes indeed, he has heard of the dread enemy ofWikipedians everywhere named 'Work'. Indeed, he himself has only beenable to acquire so much good wiki-karma lately due to recovering fromsome surgery. Truly, Wiki giveth, and Wiki taketh away.--Maru 8 July 2005 01:43 (UTC)

Common Interests


I am very impressed with your contributions to wikipedia. I am also afan of Star Wars, and Dune. It struck me as ironic that i also hadplaced Bria Tharen on my watch list, intending to reform the article.

I was wondering what sources you used for the 12 Grand Admiralsarticle, and what sources you plan on using for the Bria Tharenarticle.

Also, I was wondering if perhaps you be interested in a collaborativeeffort on the topic of Bria Tharen. Let me know...--jonasaurus 03:06, 13 July 2005 (UTC)Reply

Thank you.
The sources for the Grand Admirals I meticulously noted in theirarticles, but the primary source wasThe Imperial GrandAdmirals; the only source for most of the GAs is the Insidermagazine article, and as I do not have a copy, I was forced to rely onthat web page's summary of the Insider article. I have noticedthat articles I place in my ToDo section keep getting done- I wasfairly annoyed when someone beat me to Isolder. Factually, (nowthat I look at the article), the Tharen article isn'ttoo bad; it is the writing that grates on me, and the lack ofreferences (For references I'll borrow from [[List of Star Warsreferences, adding any of the missing Han Solo trilogy (the onlynovels Tharen appears in) books to the list and article as needed). So I'll fix those when I have the time. But I don't really see whatthat article needs besides that. --Maru 03:02,17 July 2005 (UTC)

Re: Talk:List of Star Wars references


Glad something of use to you came out of our discussion. sort/uniq isjust one example of the power of UNIX - I'd highly recommend readingup on some of the other UNIX tools sometime, too. Take care.--Jon Dowland 20:35, 14 July 2005 (UTC)Reply

You too Jon. I thought our argument was good-natured and cordial, forthe most part, and I'm glad to find you think so too. And I agree,Unices are teh 4w3some! :) Too bad man pages are so dull to read...--Maru 23:15, 14 July 2005 (UTC)Reply

Feng-kan != Fenggan


You asked : "Why did you move all the Feng-kan related pages toFenggan? I have never seen him named that, and I was following RedPine's usage. Also, Feng-kan has multiple hits, for the right guy,while Fenggan returns many more hits- but not a single one appears toreference the monk. --Maru 16:40, 15 July 2005 (UTC)"

I found this page [1]that states that buddhist names have to be spelled like I did(Hanshan, Shide, Fenggan). --gbog 02:43, 16 July 2005(UTC)