Links to Heroquest deleted edit

Hi, and welcome to Wikipedia! Thanks for contributing. It looks like you're excited about Heroquest and Herofest and wanted to share. Unfortunately in the process, you've cross some lines. First, we strive for a neutral point of view. Statements that a game is "quality" or "largest" need to be supported by third party citations. Something like, "If its quality you want this is the club for you," is right out; advertising (including recommendations) is never appropriate on Wikipedia. Please note that the purpose of List of live action role-playing groups is to be a brief listing with only very simple descriptions, like the style of gameplay. External links are absolutely not appropriate. For more extended information, it's appropriate to create a full article for the group. Furthermore, you clearly didn't read this warning, which was very clearly linked right above where you added Heroquest and Herofest. You must show that Heroquest and Herofest are notable. If you don't, they will be deleted. go read the warning for details on how to do this. Hopefully Heroquest and Herofest have lots of neutral third party coverage, in which case we can get dedicated articles for both of them with external links and lots of details.. — Alan De Smet | Talk 18:47, 21 March 2008 (UTC)Reply