
Mark - there's a fairly significant conflict of interest in your addition of external links to your commercial site. Please read our policy on the topic when you have an opportunity. Kuru talk 00:16, 28 November 2007 (UTC)Reply

Thanks. Although the site is partly commercial it is really a knowledgebase of articles. I see the wiki being used by companies to promote their own marketing materials.

Mark, your conflict of interest has not lessened over the last year. Please stop adding promotional links to your site. Thanks. Kuru talk 00:04, 10 April 2009 (UTC)Reply

Kuru, I added useful content to this page which other wise had misconceptions of demand forecast error. Although I do have interest in promoting our knowledge portal, I am only making that as a reference resource available to the wiki Traffic. The big problem I have with Wiki is that it contains factually incorrect stuff written by people without any specialized knowledge in the field - self-appointed cops like you. This is appalling since by the sheer power of the wiki and its presence on the world wide web, it promotes dangerous untruths. I see you correcting this article periodically, what is your background in forecasting, demand planning or supply chain management? Have you taken a look at www.demandplanning.net? Markchockal (talk) 13:46, 10 April 2009 (UTC)Reply