Dear Administrators,

    I would like account Mackeymmm and all information associated with account Mackeymmm completely deleted and removed from wikipedia.  This should include the deletion of the utrs appeal to unblock account Mackeymmm.  Even if this reasonable request cannot be carried out, then at that point the account owner will assume that the account is technically not legally associated with the creator of the account and any information in or associated with account Mackeymmm.  The reason why account Mackeymmm needs deleted is because it serves absolutely no purpose as account Mackeymmm is completely non-functioning and cannot be used as is for the purposes of wikipedia in any perspective.  Also account Mackeymmm does not plan or intend on using account Mackeymmm in the future anyway.  One more point, was not able or allowed to publish any documents that were intended for publication from account Mackeymmm on  Thank-you!

Sincerely, wikipedia account: Mackeymmm