The ILGA can be linked with organisations advocating pedophilia as far back as its inception in 1978.

COC Nederland is a Dutch organisation for gay men and lesbian women. It was founded shortly after the Second World War in 1946 to give shelter and an organised voice to homosexual men and women. In the sixties it became part of the Gay Liberation movement and today COC Netherlands is the world's oldest and most important gay union. COC was a founding member of the ILGA. [1]

In connection with this we should also mention the second sex information exhibition "Sexuality '78" (also called "The Sex Fair"), which was held from September 1 to 10, 1978, in the AHOY building in Rotterdam, and which drew many visitors. The National Paedophile Workgroup, NVSH, participated, along with four other NVSH national workgroups.23 The COC also took part, as did the Rutger Stichting.[2]

The first International Gay Rights Congress took place in Edinburgh in December 1974, organised by the Scottish Minorities Group (SMG), of which the UK pedophile-rights organisation, the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE), was a special interest group. On August 8, 1978 the Congress became the International Gay Association[3] at a meeting held at the annual conference of the Campaign for Homosexual Equality (CHE) in Coventry, United Kingdom.[4] The SMG was one of the founding organisations represented at ILGA's first meeting,[5] [6] [7] and the CHE itself was involved to some extent with pedophile-rights (at the 1977 CHE conference, for example, there was a CHE workshop on pedophilia).