Ricky's Peer Review


Everything in the article was relevant and pertinent to the topic of Isolation in the health care setting.

The article also remained neutral in its discussions, not swaying readers to a particular viewpoint, or expressing any sort of stance in the topic the author may hold.

Really nice work on evenly distributing the sections, and not over-representing any particular ideas contained in the article.

With regards to citations used, the 2nd and 10th articles used for reference were not accessible on the references page, therefore I could not validate the claims made being from those articles. Every other claim that was cited was indeed originated from the articles on the reference section. The 12th article on the reference page does contain some bias, however, it is not used directly on the Isolation article anymore. I assume the in text citation was removed, however the reference citation was not. Besides that, other sources used were reliable and unbiased.

The information is up to date and I do not believe the article seems to be missing any information relevant to Isolation in health care.

There are also a few grammar errors throughout the article.

Great work overall!