MY "HumanClassification" BooK


As like as all living alive also human being have individual characters. From ancient period have been trying to do identify the human being in various way, like as, Name, Family name, Occupation title etc. Also try to do the classification of the human being based on region. For mathematical population growth, it is impossible to identify the human being (man/woman) individually by name. In this modern period riches countries are doing DNA test, finger print, they are using like this system. But they can't do individually identify or classified every human being.

From long time i am doing research work in various subjects. One of mentionable my research work is identify the every human being, now in earth, death man/ woman (human being) and next generation who will come in this earth, for them individual identification numbers. My discovered identify numbers is best, modern, continues mathematical system. It is smallest, based on birth and we can use permanently for every one up to extinct the human being, which means the earth destroys. Without my discovered identify numbers it is impossible to classified human being.

Classification is continues system, by properly using we can slowly identify the whole animal world. As like as I am also working and trying to classified and identify the whole human being individually the human being by mathematical system. My classification is different of quality, so it is quite impossible for other animals. Human being (man/woman) is best intelligence and best of all living alive. For this as a man, I try to do my “Human Classification” book best, modernist and helpful for reader (students, teachers, researcher and others). I briefly descriptive and included some characteristic of animal kingdom, species, phylum- chordata, class- mammalia , some classification, structures, figure, some latest graph and others design.

Zoology is overhead established by evolution. So it is quite impossible to write like this book without evolution. Competition is also continues system, so it was and it will be. For carry on life, build generation, food, dwelling-place etc. are involve in competition with one living alive to others living alive, inter species, intra species even intra body. They can stay, who can properly utilize convenience and opportunity or take advantage. This staying or natural selection is called adaptation. For this competition and adaptation comes variation, similarity, dissimilarity and mutuality in living alive. For again and again this system or work may come new species.

Zoologist are holding the same opinion that, no-one of animal is out of this evolution system. Also some zoologist agreed that, evolution system is not must be for all time and all living alive and for origin of new species. About Homo sapiens (human being) my consent is like self antipathy. My mind is in this state, for again and again natural & sexual selection that means for adaptation it may come exceptional like variation. But it is incorrect that always revolved species will come by evolution system. For human being state, say that, man/woman revolved from monkeys and apes (Gibbon, Orangutan, Gorilla, and Chimpanzee) by evolution system. I don't believe this. With human being they have many similarity and also many dissimilarity because they are separate species but there classes (Mammalia), order (Primates) and family (Hominidae) is same. Between apes and human being middle stage of evolution's all species is extinct.

[ Some extinct species : Drypithecus wuduensis , Drypithecus fontani, Drypithecus brancoi, Ramapithecus punjabicus, Ramapithecus wickeri, Sahelanthropus tchadensis, Orrorin tugenensis, Australopithecus afarensis, Paranthropus boisei, Homo rudolfensis, Homo ergaster, Homo erectus, Homo pithecanthropus, Homo sinanthropus, Homo atlanthropus, Homo habilis, Homo sapiens neanderthalnensis,]

This evolution stage is based on fossil. These middle stage's (extinct species) called (Named) and identify by also fossil. Some similarity is so nearest of Homo sapiens. Like as- some extinct species can stand by an upright position, and also brain size was nearest of Homo sapiens.

[ Some extinct species brain size: In Chimpanzees and Gorillas the brain size or ranges from 325 to 650 cc, Apes brain size from 450 to 700 cc, Java man - Homo pithecanthropus brain size 750 to 900 cc, peeking man – Homo sinanthropus brain size 800 to 1200 cc, Homo ergaster brain size 700 to 850 cc, Homo erectus brain size 900 to 1200 cc, Algerian man – Homo atlanthropus brain size 900 to 1200 cc, Homo sapiens neanderthalnenss brain size (same as Homo sapiens sapiens brain size 1000 to 1650 cc. ) 1100 to 1550 cc. ]

Apes (Gibbon, Orangutan, Gorilla, and Chimpanzee) are present, we (human being) are also, but why these all middle species are extinct? The most important cause of Dinosaur extinct that, their head (brain) so smaller then body under consideration of Head and body ratio. I think an intelligent species can not extinct with in few times. It is quite impossible. So I don't believe that, Homo sapiens (human being) revolved from Apes & monkeys. If it is true, then revolve animal will be, should be, must be come from Homo sapiens (human being) by evolution system.

However, creator gives us knowledge, intelligence, understanding power, everything. Creator creates us by these surpassing merit or Excellency the best living alive. In my view (opinion), this evolution is baseless. From long time I am doing this research work. This is my First book, so I take help from many Bengali and English book and this book is also a researchable book. I try to do write a good book with better design. But my human being research work is not end here; it is also a continuous system.

· Syed Ahsanul Kamran ( Raju )

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