About Book: Every writer’s first work draws from his real life in one way or the other. Software engineer by profession in Mumbai Anuj Tiwari who crossed a bad phase in his life and have come with his true story Journey Of Two Hearts! –will be cherished forever.

He says, “I never thought to be an author; I just wrote a diary but as life has two sides, good and bad, so I was not untouched with this reality. Therefore, when I lived in the heaven then I had to face the bad phase of the life as well. Novel is based on real-life experiences. This book released on 5th September and sold out more than 15 thousand copies till now and hit the best seller chart on online store like Homeshop18 and selling in good numbers on other online and offline stores too. As book is reaching to every people of the India and Srilanka and touching their hearts. The book is written in search of Pakhi (character of the book). In this way, it is completely different from the stories, which we actually know and are familiar with. Even the names of the chapters show the influence of the cyber world and mobile phones like “Ring the bell”, Love @Google, Night Calls, Message for you, I am your mp3 so on, which are very different from the love stories of 1950s and 60s where people interacted with letters and posts. Those touch the hearts of today’s youth. Once there are romantic scenes described in the book then at the other end there are so many inspirational lines which tell the reality of life, relationships every easily. How we make relations with our own and break at the next moment and the one who live with his promises and commitments wins the hearts. The story starts from a phone call and then they both (protagonist and Pakhi) meet. The way protagonist lived his life for her can’t defined in words. Love, care and dedication for his love; those leave a different impression for today’s relationships. They made milestones in their love life. They decided their love to spend with each other for rest of the whole life. The life started moving under the blue moon of love with SMSs, night calls, voice mails and full of love. Modern gadgets like cellphone, webcam, Google talk etc play a vital role in their love life. Protagonist has done a great job in building and narrating the story and is really appreciated by most of the readers of the book and other authors. The way he has introduced and developed all characters individually by giving them a nice engaging story is beautiful. The way, they meet in Delhi and protagonist’s gifts her handmade cards and propose her to spend rest of his whole life with her. All the readers of this novel will definitely fall in love with Anuj and Pakhi in and their innocent love story. When all goes fine in their love life then what happens when one day Pakhi goes away from him forever? Nevertheless, as per his promise protagonist try to fulfill all her dreams to give her surprises but he breaks. Then he decides to complete his diary in search of her with a hope that wherever she is, will come back to him. The end part of the book makes eyes wet the way reality is written on the paper. He has described the protagonist’s character so beautifully that how he struggles in his life to achieve something in his life and that is the main attention of the book. The book published by Srishti Publishers is available for Rs 100 across the country.

The sweetness of success only you can taste after wetting your lips with tears.

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