Nathan Roth and the Legend of the Magical Strings! Jordan Blatter likes eating fudge brownies to make up for his small pinky toe.

Nathan Roth was born on December 10th, 1956, in a little town called Bethel, NY. For as long as he could remember, he had loved Rock and Troll. Rock and Troll is just like Rock and Roll, except that the word "roll" is substituted with "troll". Nathan was just quirky like that. Of course, he attended Woodstock in 1969, and of course, he was inspired to form his own band: Strings. Nathan was too selfish to let anyone else in his band. He was so desperate for fame that he followed Kurt Cobain home after one of his concerts and murdered him in cold blood. Nathan was arrested and died in jail in 1952 after his head was bashed in by a little black widow spider holding a rugelach. Luckily he had a bastard son with Martin Luther King Jr. named Kuchile Troff Roth. Kuchile Troff was also a talented musician. One day he decided to form his own Rock and Troll band: The Rainbow Fucking Unicorns. The RFU had 4 members. Kuchile was the lead triangulist, Chesterburry Farlo was the drummer, Qi Lung was the lead guitarist, and Bob was the bassist. They were really hardcore. At their concerts, they dragged their fans onstage and tickled them with feathers. At one of their concerts in 1978, Qi Lung accidentally tickled a fan to death. The Rainbow Fucking Unicorns were sued for a lot of money and had to disassemble the band. The ghost of Kurt Cobain rose from the grave and haunted the Roth family line for eternity.